Broadcasting room

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"Oh shiiiiit"...

Feeling my body slam against the schools building hurt like a bitch but i'm glad I was able to grab hold of the hose instead of falling to my death. Noticing the added weight on my body I look down to see a zombie holding onto my food trying to claw it's was up and bite me. Trying with everything I had while also not trying to let go of the hose i kept trying to kick the damn zombie off me but no matter what i did the fucker wouldn't let go. Then suddenly i heard a voice, I whip my head up and to the right to be met with



"Look down, down, down!" He urgently told me

"I know! Im trying to get rid of her!" I yelled back

"She's got your foot moron, look!" He shouted

"Yes, bare-su! Thank you for pointing out the obvious" i sighed still trying to kick her off

"Why the hell is it taking you so long?" Disbelieve laced in his voice.

"Because i'm trying to also hold on for my life. Either help me or shut up" i was getting fed up at this point and growing quite tired. My arms threatening to betray me by being so tired and wanting to let go. 

"Hey! I'm coming down! I'm coming."

Before I could protest because i'm not sure the hose would hold both of our weight bare-su and already jumped over and landed on the hose a little above me. He climbed down a little and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"God hurry up, my body is so sore and tired and your weight isnt helping me right now" i sighed at him

"Hold on i'm helping" he breathed out

"Well help faster.. please" i could feel my body wanting to give up on me

Bare-su started to kick the zombie in the face and after a few tries he was finally able to kick her off me.

The kids in the broadcasting room heard voices and sound of struggle so they looked out the window to be met with both there friends still alive

"Ya! Bare-su! Y/n! Wujin, y/n is still alive!" Dae-su shouted happily at his friend

Not being able to contain his fear and excitement wujin rushed to the window and leaned out seeing the figure of his friend and the girl he had a crush on. Feeling a rush of relief she was okay.

"Shit why couldn't you kick her, like I said." Bare-su let out a breath

"Hey! I tried! Stop hugging me or i'll kick you off" i chuckled

"I'm not hugging you" he tighten his grip on me

"Fuck off" i laughed

"You like it? Or you wish it was wujin?" He laughed

"How.. did you know..?" Was i obvious? Did other people know? Did HE know? Oh god.. i felt my face go as red as a tomato

"Just a hunch, now lets get into the room." He laughed

"I think i'll just hang here a bit longer actually" i sighed

Bare-su laughed and started to climb down, once he was inside the room safely it was my turn. Being very careful and going kinda slowly so i didn't slip and because slamming into the building really did hurt. Once i reached the window and stepped on the ledge i could feel two pairs of hands on me helping me inside . One pair i knew as gyeong-su, the other belonged to wu-jin. Seeing his face after everything i just went through made me feel so safe. After I was finally inside the room and standing on my own i was pulled into the tightest hug I think i've ever had

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