Stuck again

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"Hey, cheong-san, i'm... so sorry. I didn't know she was your mom.. i'm sorry." Dae-su sadly says to cheong-san who slides his back on the wall to sit against it crying

"Come here dae-su.. you can sit with us" i smiled at the boy who gives me a small smile and nod before walking over and sitting next to me "hey.. it's not your fault. You didn't know" i gave dae-su a pat on the shoulder

Exaushtion took over everyone quickly and most of us fell asleep. I laid my head in wujins lap and fell asleep to him playing with my hair.

"Is this the girl?" Ha-ri asked her brother

"Mhm." Wujin blushed and smiled "this is y/n"

"You were right.. she is pretty." Ha-ri smiled

The light shining through the small window started to wake everyone up. I stood up and made my way next to nam-ra in front of the window

"What is it? Do you guys see something?" Su-hyeok asks us

"The smell is stronger." Nam-ra answers

This causes dae-su to breath in deeply to see if he could smell anything.. then he started smelling his armpits. I turned around to say something and caught him, making me giggle

"I don't smell anything" dae-su said

"I think they're all coming this way.." i said looking at nam-ra

"Mhm, the smell is really strong" she said back

"Doesn't matter. Were all trapped in here for good now. And theres no way to get out." Joon-yeong stated sadly

"Please don't say that." Hyo-ryung said looking at her hands

"So done. I think were done" joon-yeong said looking around

"We must accept infinite disappointment , but never lose infinite hope.. we'll think of a way out.. we always do" i said looking at joon-yeong

"Ah, damn it! Let them kill us if they want." dae-su said standing up and fixing his shirt

"Ha-ri. You didn't fail in the preliminaries, did you?" Wujin asked his sister

"No" she said but didn't meet his eyes "i did really well"

"Your tournament. What happened? Why did you come to the school?" Wujin questioned

After a few seconds of silence because ha-ri didn't know how to answer him her new friend spoke up

"You're her brother?" Mi-jin asked

"Yeah, i am." He said proudly

"She got a perfect score, so she made it to nationals. I saw her" mi-jin said like it was no big deal

"Really?" Wujin asked excited for his sister

"Mhm, it's true. Soooo" ha-ri wanted to change the subject "are you two dating?" She said looking between me and wujin

Wujin blushed and nodded. I smiled and held my hand out

"I'm y/n nice to finally meet wujins older sister" i smiled at her

She took my hand and shook it "ha-ri, finally nice to meet the girl wujin wouldn't shut up about" she laughed a little

"Ya!" Wujin playfully nudged her shoulder "why would you say that"

Suddenly dae-su walked over and stood in front of us making me raise my eyebrows at him.. wujin looked up and jumped a little making me laugh

"You scared me" he said

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