The start

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Waking up realizing my alarm never went off (or i just blocked it out and didn't hear it) i rushed to shower, and put on the school uniform. I grabbed my backpack and ran out the door, I only had 5 minutes to get to school on time! I started running but it didn't matter how fast I kept telling myself to go I was late. Thankfully I wasn't the only one who was late there was a few kids who were stopped by the two teachers. One of them being On-Jo and sense I haven't had the chance to talk to her yet I decided to start up a conversation.

"Hey On-Jo! Your late too huh?" I asked

"Hey y/n! Yeah stupid Cheong-san made me late by carrying his backpack" she replied

Letting out a small laugh "I can kick his butt if you want" i said while smiling

"I might just have to take you up on the offer y/n" she smiled "Hey, Cheong-sans mom is testing a new chicken recipe and i dunno if you like chicken or not but if.. if you do.." she looks at me nervously and smiles "if you'd like you can come with us to eat it tonight after school. It'll be fun! And we can finally hangout, i-sak, gyeong-su, me, cheong-san will all be there."

listing to her nervously ramble finding it totally adorable i smile and say "of course i love chicken! And my moms always working late so it wont be a problem! Wait for me after last period and i'll walk with you guys there!"

"Great, i can't wait y/n! See you in class" she smiles and waves as she walks away.

**After school**

"Y/n over here!" On-jo calls out to you

"Hey! I've been looking forward to chicken allllll day!" I smiled

Once we were a few feet away from the boys On-jo runs right into Cheong-san causing his phone to fall from his hands. Gyeong-su just stares with his mouth wide open.

Laughing at su "hey! Close your mouth or you'll catch flies" i wink at him

"Oh yeah? Flies? I'll show you a fly." He laughs and starts chasing me around

"Damn my phone" Cheong-san says bending down to pick up his phone off the ground.

"Hey gopher, lets get some chicken" on-jo says

"But were not open yet" Cheong-san says confused.

"Sure you are. Your mom says shes testing out a new recipe today." She says to cheong-san. "your going right?" She asks gyeong-su

"Duh, of course" su says back

Cheong-san looks at me "are you going too?"

"Hm, yes. On-jo said she could bring friends" you smiled at him

"So is this a double date?" Gyeong-su asks

"What the hell" I-sak replied

Laughing "but theres 5 of us su!" I answered him getting pulled away and locking arms with On-jo and I-sak.

"Weird were not open today.." cheong-san tries to say

"Ahh, what do you know?" Gyeong-su teases his best friend. "Lets get outta here" he says then starts to whistle the tune him and cheong-san do all the time. Cheong-san playfully pushed his best friends arm laughing

"You like chicken that much?" Cheong-san questioned already knowing the answer

"Of course! I'm going to eat two bowl fulls" gyeong-su replies

Sitting at the table at the restaurant, i'm between cheong-san and gyeong-su, across from me is on-jo with I-sak next to her. Cheong-sans mom comes over placing two big bowls filled with chicken on the table.

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