Vanilla and Cologne

Start from the beginning

"Yes, if you want to get a reward. If not, you get punished like a bad boy. You like rewards right?" He tightened his grip and took his own hoodie off, then took georges shorts down and pulled the bottom off his hoodie up to his chest.

George rolled his eyes, Dream slapped his ass a bit harshly. George squeaked then whimpered, rolling his eyes back a tad. "s-sorry sir" he slapped him again and he did the same thing "please?" He looked at him with lidded eyes in the reflection. Dream snickered "when I'm ready, be patient." He slapped him; hard. He moaned softly and closed his eyes, tearing up a bit "d-dream.."

Dream tilted his head "oh? Am i just dream now? Call me my real name and I might hear you out." He chuckled and pulled his hair with a different hand. "C-clay.." He whined out. Dream blushed and looked down. "Har- hm~ harder~"

"do you want me to go harder, slut?" He said sickeningly sweet into his ear. "Please~!" he moaned softly "fuck- clay~.." He breathed out.

He did as he was told, george moaned softly, he had a huge (now hurting) boner by now. "Fuck- clay- I'm so fucking- touch me-" he breathed out "fine" dream said with a sigh. He smacked him harder then massaged the area "will you cum from this?" He looked at him in the reflection, smirking. "Maybe."

he took his hand and felt around him "how many inches are you?" Geoge whimpered "u-uhm.. I think- 7?" He put his head further down. "I can tell, you're smaller than me~" he swirled a hand around him then flipped him over, holding his legs up. "Dre- clay" he whined. "Keep- keep going.." He pouted. Dream just took his underwear off, and showed george "shut the fuck up." He put a hand on his neck and pulled georges underwear all the way down for him.

George tried to avoid looking at his dick for now, but ended up looking for a second. He saw it was around 9 inches, which would might need spreading for. He looked him up and down in awe. Dream laughed at him, then moved his dick against him "admiring?" George looked at his teeth; then started thinking of all the things they could do, blushing. "Your fangs.." He felt his own lips. They were wet. "You could probably break skin." He said softly. "Yeah."

Dream rubbed him again "so- What's the plan?" He lookd away shyly. "I'm not ready to take you, can I suck you off- or.. I could use.." He put his own legs down and turned around, putting his legs on either side of his thigh "This?" George blushed immediately "Y-yeah, that works." He started to move slowly then he felt Dream's hands on his hips. He shuddered. "Oh your not doing that part. I am." He said lowly. George breathed in and blinked at him, nodding.

Dream got to it, moving his hips slowly, then to fast, then back. "Your such a pretty boy for me, George. Why don't you look down for me?" He blushed and shook his head no. "George. You know better than that." He stopped his hips abruptly. He gulped. "Y-yes sir" he looked down for him, whimpering. "Why are you doing that hm? You caused it, it's your fault that your such a whore for me right now isn't it?"

He breathed shakily "i-i know, dream~" he looked up slowly, smirking. Dream tilted his head and grabbed him by the hair, pulling him forward "stop being bad or you'll get punished. Be a good boy, you know what to call me george. It's either clay or sir, got it?" He nodded feebly. "Good. Now let's continue, keep looking down."

He watched, blushing and holding onto dreams arms for support. "Please~ more~" he whined and looked at him, his eyes glossy. He chuckled lowly "do you know what more means for me?" He bounced his leg, hoping it would do something. He moaned loudly and covered his mouth with a hand. "Ah ah- bad." He pulled his hand away and held them down with his on his hips, trapping him. "That's more like it"

He went faster and George just moaned louder "fuck~ i-i feel like a slut clay~" he smiled at him "oh? You do, hm? You are one. Your my little slut right now. You look pathetic, not even getting off with my hand or anything- your using my fucking thigh, riding like the whore you are." He leaned to his ear, whispering. "tell me, george, are you my slut? Do you agree?" He went faster and moved a hand to hold both of his and another to his hair. He pulled his head up so he had a better canvas for his neck, starting to suck.

"Y-YES~ Y-yes I'm your slut sir~ clay- FUCK- I'm such a whore for you~ your my daddy~" Dream blushed a bit from that one. "c-can i cum, sir?" Dream hummed, thinking. "No." He blushed and looked at him pleadingly "please- dre- clay- I'm close~ i-i don't think i can hold it-" he came on his thigh with a moan. "F-fuck I'm sorry clay-" he turned away. Dream watched him silently, waiting till he was in a good headspace to do his punishment.

He panted softly, leaning on him. Dream decided to be a nice top and rubbed his back, bringing him into his chest "shhh, you did really good for me. Don't worry." He kissed his forehead then smiled softly "are you up to fuck or are you done?"

He shook his head, "not.. Not right now. I'm done.." He whispered then closed his eyes. Dream hummed then got up, carefully putting him laying down then getting them cleaned up. He then went back over, putting him in one of his hoodies then cuddling him "you comfy?" He nodded.

"Good. Do you wanna take a nap and I can edit your video like you asked me 2 months ago?" He snorted "that'd be nice.." He smiled softly then looked to him. He kissed his forehead again then got up, getting his PC booted up then quietly working on the video.
1765 words

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