But now he found himself just sitting here alone, with a random stripper that he linked up with, about to light up a blunt with Normani heavily on his mind.

"Is there a bathroom in here?"

The girl questioned while standing up again.

"Yeah, right through that door, down the hall I think."

He muttered.

She just nodded before exiting the room. Most of the producers had left already, leaving Von all by himself now with this girl. He just brought the blunt to his lips, leaning back against the couch before lighting it up. He couldn't seem to get Mani's face out of his head. She looked so beautiful to him when he saw her last night for the first time. He actually wasn't even expecting to see her until Ari's party which was tonight. So it really threw him off guard that he ran into her at the restaurant so suddenly.

Especially seeing her with Key Glock, that just put him in a bad mood all together. And the fact that Key kept calling Normani his girl, it just threw him way off. He did not like that at all. Von seemed to be okay with just going through life without ever physically seeing Normani with another man. The thought of that just enraged him. But also, he knew he had no place to be upset about it either. I mean, what did he expect? He was the one that broke things off with Mani.

Normani was a gorgeous, smart and caring person. Von knew that any guy could easily see her worth from a mile away. He knew that she would definitely be sought after by other men, and a sick part of him just didn't want to ever see her with anybody else at all.

Especially not with Key.

Von felt like he had been doing just fine without ever seeing her in person. But now that he did, he felt like he was just so fucked up in the head. He just didn't feel like himself anymore. He could tell that something sinister and deranged was brewing inside of him.

Von just inhaled his weed before taking his phone out of his pocket. He began scrolling through his contact list before landing on Key Glocks number. He clicked on his name before placing the phone towards his ears.

The phone rang twice before Key picked up.

"Aye Von, what's good twin?"

Key said through the phone.

"Nun much. Whatchu on gang?"

Von said while leaning up in his seat. He took the blunt from in between his lips before holding it with his fingers.

"Nun too crazy. I was just about ta head to the studio. My label got me bustin my ass outchea. Can't even get some pussy in if I wanted to with how hard they asses got me working."

Key joked while chuckling. Von just made a face, hoping he wasn't referring to Normani at all.

"Yeah I feel that. I actually been at the studio all day too. I made like 3 new songs fa this album."

He replied.

"I just know yo album about ta go so crazy. Im actually excited to hear that shit."

Key boosted. Von just chuckled a little while shaking his head. He really wasn't all for the small talk though. He was just ready to get to the point.

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