Winds of change II

Start from the beginning

He raised his glass and all thousands of voices were heard saying 'Aran nin'.

'To our King', said Maldir also, standing up a bit bolder than usual, most probably from the full cup of Dorwinion he just drank. 'who singlehandedly stood against a mighty Nazgul, protecting us all!'

'Aran nin', all the elves cheered, also raising their glasses in his honour.

Gilros looked at Thranduil and Thranduil signalled everyone with his hand to keep quiet as he was about to speak. The elves stood still - respect and admiration were engraved upon each of their faces, as well as a little bit of fear.

'Indeed we are celebrating today the passing of one of the greatest shadows that stood upon Middle-Earth and we are celebrating the victories that our elven kingdom had against this evil. We have endured for long within these walls and here we stand. Tonight I have invited some important guests from Lothlorien whose help has been crucial in defeating this evil. Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel both graced us with their presence.'

He pointed towards the elven delegation from Lothlorien and applause started. Galadriel only smiled and graciously nodded towards the Woodland elves.

'As you know, they have been allies of this realm and only together with them had it been possible to destroy Dol Guldur. Tonight we are also celebrating that victory. In a few days, Yestarë will be upon us. Let that mark a new beginning for this realm. There are a few announcements I need to make to you all.'

Tauriel's heart started beating faster.

'First of all, as gratitude for the military help that Lord Celeborn has offered in destroying Dol Guldur, I shall grant him the Southern part of Mirkwood. The borders of the Woodland Realm will be redrawn. The borders of my realm will now lie around the Northern part of the forest and beyond it, between the Mountains of Mirkwood and all the way to the Grey Mountains.'

Gasps of surprise, murmurs and voices were heard as the elves seemed taken aback by the announcement. Tauriel held tough a composed expression as she looked upon the crowd for she already knew of Thranduil's decision.

'The Southern part will be renamed East Lorien and will be governed by Lord Celeborn. The middle part will be given to the Beornings and Woodmen. The elves are now fewer and fewer in Middle-Earth. Many are leaving and many have already left. Also, the dominion of men is rising. We cannot hold such vast territories any longer with few population.'

Thranduil looked with a calm smile at Celeborn and Celeborn looked back at him, before turning his head and addressing the elves directly:

'It is an honour to share the rulership of this great forest with my old friend, King Thranduil. Both this kingdom and mine have been viciously attacked by the enemy and together we showed them the strength of the elves. It is with great pleasure that I came tonight to celebrate our victories and look towards the future, together.'

Celeborn raised his glass and everyone did the same, in honour of the elven victories and the fall of Sauron. There was peace upon the faces of the Woodland Realm elves and, even though the announcement of the division of the forest and the changes of borders took everyone by surprise, it was clear that they all trusted their King. Afterall, they had followed both he and his father 3 times, abandoning their old homes and migrating North with them, as they had trusted in the wisdom of the Sindar rulers. And, in the end, it had proven that Oropher and Thranduil's decisions to move their capital protected them and ensured their survival even in the proximity of the enemy. Now, they trusted in their hearts that King Thranduil's decision was right for them.

'Those of you who have family and houses in South Mirkwood can remain there, though outside of my rule.', Thranduil spoke. 'Those who want to follow me will receive new homes. You will have new territories as my realm will extend further to the mountains. The forest will also not be known as Mirkwood anymore but as Eryn Lasgalen.'

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