Chapter 62. Twin

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I stared at the wall, Sideswipe curled up against my back, his arms looked around my waist. I couldn't stop thinking about the terror and sadness in his eyes. The guilt about bringing it up still eat me. I shifted on my back and heard him groan next to me, adjusting his position. 'Where are you going?' He sulked; eyes closed. I rubbed his scalp and he let out a low purr. His blue eyed landed on my face. 'Go to sleep.' I pushed his head back down. He purred and rested his head in the hollow of my shoulder. His hair tickled my skin in a soft caress. I cupped his cheek and he fell back asleep in a matter of seconds.

The next morning, Sideswipe stretched himself and rolled on his back. 'You look like crap. Have you been partying all night?' I rolled my eyes. 'Or have you been naughty while I was asleep?' I snorted and sat up. He stared lazily at me, smirking. 'What?' He shook his head and rubbed his stomach. 'Have you even slept at all?' I rubbed my eyes and shrugged. He cocked a brow. 'Why? Did I snore?' I chuckled and shook my head. 'No, you don't snore but you do murmur in your sleep. It's adorable.' He glared. 'No, it's not.' I slid out of bed. 'I hate it when people call me adorable.' A smirk crept up on my face. 'I mean it.'

He was right behind me. 'Oh, I know you do, Siders.' I looked over my shoulder. His face was blank. 'Look who's cranky now.' He slapped my ass before prowling towards the bathroom. 'Don't you need to hurry for work?' I groaned and rolled my eyes. 'Don't you have something to do today?' I scolded. I dressed up quickly and Sideswipe took longer than usual to dress. 'Did you seriously lock the door?' I leaned against the door. A low chuckle from the other side. 'In case you decided to jump on me first change you got,' he taunted. I crossed my arms. He opened the door, all dressed up, hair perfectly combed and that perfume. 'All yours.' I nudged him. 'Prick.'

I did my own daily routine before meeting him in the kitchen. He set the table and was scrolling through his phone. 'You look delicious today.' He laid his phone aside and slumped back. 'Why didn't you sleep?' His voice was serious and concerned. 'I couldn't sleep.' I shrugged and grabbed some bread. 'Because...?'
'I don't know.' I shrugged. 'Liar. You promised not to lie or keep things from me.'

'You. I didn't sleep because of you.'

'You said I didn't snore.' I grinned. 'No, you didn't. Just something you said.' He cocked a brow. 'I said a lot of things—
Wait? Are you mad at me?' I shook my head. 'No, I just feel bad for what I brought up yesterday and made you recall so many bad memories...' his face softened. 'It's fine. You didn't know. Really, I learned to live with it.' I laid my hands flat on the table. 'It's not fair. Did they at least got punished for it?' Sideswipe slacked a sigh and smiled wryly. 'He got what he deserved eventually. Sunny hunt him down and Primus knows what he did.' He flicked his hand with a smooth motion of his wrist.

His twin had a certain reputation at the base for being brutal. 'I hope Sunstreaker will come out of his hiding place soon.' Sideswipe snorted in amusement. 'Someone is eager to meet him.' I shrugged. 'Just curious to see who's the more handsome.' He flashed me a cocky grin. 'It hurts me to hear you think Sunny is more handsome.' He laid his hand on his heart area. 'Will he approve of this?' I asked after a brief silence. 'I guess why wouldn't he?'

'I heard Jazz saying Sunstreaker hates humans.' Sideswipe smiled again. 'Sweetspark, Sunstreaker will protect you the way I do. I have my twin wrapped around my finger. He'll do everything I ask.' I chuckled. 'I bet. So, you're older?' He shook his head. 'Sunny is. Just a few minutes though. Not that he will forget about it. It's fucking annoying sometimes.' I grinned. Having one cocky male walking around is challenging sometimes, but having to add another from the same blood... I eyed Sideswipe closely, trying to determine how Sunstreaker would look like. Obviously, they're twins but Jazz told me their some different. Not like the chevy twins who only differ in color.

Sideswipe laughed as he caught me staring. 'I'll have a photo of Sunstreaker, but only his bipedal-mode. Ratchet hasn't installed his holoform yet.' He grabbed his phone.

He showed me a photo of a mech, tall, sleek and gorgeous. His yellow paint job glowed almost gold in the sunlight, not one scratch or dent to detect, his optics as cold as ice, glaring with lethality. His servo's held two large twin swords, layered in Energon. He was the type of mech everyone would gape at, worship. His derma were slightly curled back in a sneer and also revealed his fangs. Everything about this mech was lethal and dangerous, but he was gorgeous in so many ways. The brutality glowered off him like an aura.

I blinked and looked at Sideswipe. 'That's Sunny.' I slumped back and laid his phone aside. 'That's your brother?' He looked up and started laughing. 'Yeah, why?' I shrugged and tried to find the right words to describe what I thought of him. 'He's... gorgeous. He's...' my throat dried up. That mech would be living here if he arrives. Sideswipe cocked a brow. 'I know and Sunny knows as well how handsome he is.' He leaned into the table. 'You like him?' Heat rushed into my cheeks. 'I find him beautiful, but I don't know him personally, so I can't tell if I like him yet.' Sideswipe laughed, amusement dancing in his eyes.

'I'm going to tell Sunny though.' I glared. 'No! You won't.' He smirked and rubbed his foot against my leg. 'He'll love it though.' I rolled my eyes and popped some food in my mouth. 'I'm just saying...' I said, taking a sip of my juice. '...that you're brother is quite stunning.' He smirked before his face faltered. 'What about me?' Now it was my turn to laugh and smirk. I rose from my chair and walked around the table to sit on his lap. His hands slid over my waist. 'We already knew you're sexy,' I purred in his ear. He growled in response, body shuddering. 'And you might have your brother wrapped around your finger, but I have you wrapped around my finger.'

He blinked. I kissed his lips. His warm, soft lips, but he didn't grant me access. I clamped his bottom lip between my teeth, sucking slowly. His chest rumbled. I withdrew and smirked. 'Naughty creature.' I hurried my face in his neck. 'Says you.' He grinned and flicked my nose as I faced him again. 'We are getting late though... or you are.' I sighed and wrapped one arm around his neck. His fingers idly circled over my leg. 'If you promise I'll see you with lunch.' He hummed, those beautiful ocean blue eyes staring right back at me. 'I promised Ironhide I would take over one of his trainings today.' I hummed and kissed his neck. 'What about what I said to you the other day?'

'I'm still mad you trained behind my back with another mech though.' I cupped his cheek. 'I don't want that again so I'll teach you the basics. How to handle a gun, knife and hand-to-hand combat.' I smiled. 'Thank you.' He surveyed my face. 'If you promise to never call yourself ugly again or keep from me what's happening with those... bitches.' I nodded shallowly. 'Promise.'

My best friend is an Autobot - stuck with youTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang