Chapter 26. Bickering

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It was wrong, but I had to follow Sideswipe again. This time, I didn't drag Mirage into this. I sat down in the park, keeping an close eye on Sideswipe. He was with Jada again. She seemed be agitated. I know he's seeing her for the first time again after he got locked up. Jada walked off and Sideswipe quickly followed in pursuit. I got up and sneaked through the bushes. I lost track of where they went. I leaned against a tree and sucked in a breath.


I jumped up from the sneer and turned around. 'You're spying on me again!' He yelled. I flinched and hit the tree behind me. 'And don't give me that bullshit that you're just walking around here. Everywhere I go, you follow and that's not how it works,' he snapped. 'I don't wanna stalk you...' Sideswipe snorted in disbelief. 'Than why are you here?' He snapped. A tensed silence fell. 'I just wanted to know what you and Jada were up too.' There's no point of lying anymore. 'Finally, a fair answer that doesn't include bullshit,' he snapped.

I fiddled with the sleeves of my jacket. 'Well guess what, Skyla. She dumped my ass, just like all the other girls, so don't worry,' he snapped and turned around. 'Oh, and by the way... that's your fault. You ruined it for but you're really good at ruining things for me so...' he sneered. 'Jada isn't good enough for you. She's rude, she's a bitch.'
'And what are you?' He icily snapped. I felt some tears welling up in my eyes, but managed to blink them away.

'Yeah? Well, the only difference is that I wouldn't dump you.' I passed him. He laughed mockingly. 'What are you suggesting?' I turned around. 'You're not gonna tell me you actually like me, right? That would stupid. I am not dating girls like you. Boring girls, misfits. You got nothing to offer me and I can better date Megatron, than you.' He jabbed his finger in the center of my chest. I didn't want to show him how hurt I was. I sincerely liked Sideswipe. I've always sort of liked him, but he doesn't like me that way.

Sideswipe started walking down the path. For my own sake, I didn't follow and slowly walked in the opposite direction. 'Need a ride home?' I jumped a little. 'Mirage? What are you doing here?' I muttered. It didn't surprise me to see him here. 'Well, you left without your partner in crime, so I came after you.' He nudged me a little. A forced smile stretched onto my lips. 'What's the matter?' He asked as I barely responded. 'Don't do that, Mirage. I know you heard everything.'

'You know... it's not the end of the world.' I snorted and walked towards his alt-mode. 'I lied to Ironhide and need to live with the fact that Sideswipe was locked up for 7 days. Who does that? He has all the reason to be mad. I am a horrible person,' I mumbled. 'A horrible person wouldn't feel the way you do. I snorted and gave a small nod. I hopped in his alt-mode and he drove me back to the base. Sideswipe kept floating in my mind.

'You wanna join us for a card game?' I snapped back to reality and realized Mirage just drove into the base. 'No, thanks. I have other plans,' I muttered. He parked and cut his engine. I embraced the spy. I needed a hug from someone. 'Thanks for the ride.' He kissed my head. 'Anytime.'  I hopped out and headed back to my room. Sideswipe is interested in every single girl, except me.

I headed to my room and curled up on my bed, hugging my pillow. Tears started flowing down my cheeks. Everything is so messed up and the worst part, it's all my fault. If I never stopped Sideswipe from seeing Jada, none of this would've happened in the first place, but I just couldn't get it over my heart to leave Sideswipe alone with Jada in the same room. The thought disgusted me, it pissed me off. Now I have to deal with the consequences.

The next morning, I looked like shit. I barely slept, my eyes were puffy and red from crying, my skin was pale and my hair a mess. I look even worse than a scarecrow. I sighed softly and took a shower,— trying to make something of myself today. It's still visible I have been crying, but not as obvious as previously.

I had breakfast, or almost lunch because by the time I arrived in the cafeteria, it was 11:46. I sat down and started eating,— my eyes trailing down the room to see who was in here. Luckily no Sideswipe. I don't think I can handle looking at him right now.

He thinks I am boring...
How can I change that? How can I make him see me? I turned my gaze away when Sideswipe strolled in. I guess he's late having breakfast too. I poked in my food.
'Did you change your clothing style?' I perked my head up. Sideswipe pretended like nothing had happened between us, like he usually does. 'No...'
'I would say you have. Usually, you don't wear stuff like this,' he said. 'Why do you care. It's too boring for you anyway. You rather look at slutty types, than me, so why don't you just piss off?' I snapped. 'I wasn't trying to make fun of you—' I got up and raised my hand to silence him. 'I don't care about your intensions, Sideswipe. I thought we were done.'

'Done? No... I mean—' he cut himself off. 'I maybe didn't use the right choice of words but... you look nice.' I snorted. 'Should I believe your compliment? Seriously?' I spat out. 'After all you said last day? what game are you playing?' I sneered. 'I am not playing games. I am still your guardian, so....' He trailed off. 'My guardian? Are you?' He caught my eyes. 'You pretend like nothing ever happened.'

'I thought you wanted that. I thought you wanted me to forgive you for lying and getting me locked up,' he pointed out. 'I am talking about last day. When you said all those things about me.' He raised a brow. 'Because they're not lies, Skyla. You are boring, you are not my type and I will never be dating you. The only reason we sort of became 'friends' is because I am your guardian and need to keep an eye on you but if it that wouldn't be the case, I never would've befriended you in the first place.'

'You know what, I'll have a chat with Prime and ask him if he can end this torture for you. You're right, this have been a mistake since the beginning and you're the biggest loser and idiot in the entire universe. I have never met a bigger jerk than you. Seriously, you use your spike more than your head. You are a shame for your team...' I spat and pushed him out the way.

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