Chapter 20. A stupid idea

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'Skylla? Can I have a quick word with you?'

I nodded and got up. 'yeah, sure, what's up?' Ironhide crossed his arms. 'How's Sideswipe holding up?' he asked. 'Oh, he's fine. Just his cocky self I guess.' I smiled softly and peeked at him. He caught my eyes. 'Do I have a reason to believe he's not fine?' I cocked my head to the side. 'He's cranky and angered fast. Just curious if he told you something,' he said. 'I guess it's his brother. I am working on it.' Ironhide nodded. 'Don't let him drive you crazy.' I nodded and watched him walk away. 'What did he want to know?' I jumped a little from Sideswipe's sudden question. 'Why you are cranky and angered fast.'

'Ah, of course he asks you,' he scowled. 'Is it a lie then?' He shot me a glare. 'Just asking.' He sucked in a breath. 'Maybe I am a little bit grumpy but not as much as he tells you.' I hummed and sat down. 'So, are you free this afternoon?' I asked slowly. 'Uhm, no.' I snapped my head towards him. 'I have an appointment,' he added. 'With who?' I asked. 'A girl I met online. She wanted to meet me.' I got up. 'A girl? Your new sex buddy?' it came out much meaner than I intended. Sideswipe's eyes widened a little. 'Do you care if it is?' he mocked, crossing his arms. 'No, of course not... I have to go.' I grabbed the riffle. 'What was it you wanted to do?'

'It doesn't matter. You have appointment.'
'Are you okay? You sound like a bitch.'
'I am fine. Goodluck.'

I turned around and stormed off. I am not letting this one go. Sideswipe left at two O'clock and so was I. 'Dino?' I hopped in the red sports car. 'Shall we test how good you are at spying?' I asked. His holoform appeared next to me. 'You doubt my skills, signora?' He raised a brow. 'I want to spy on Sideswipe. He has an appointment with a girl. Could you track him and follow him?' I asked. 'I don't know. Sideswipe is going to make my life miserable and yours too.'
'He won't figure it out. Please, okay fine... you can drop me off at his location.' He sighed and started his engine. 'I am not really allowed to do this. There are specific rules I need to follow–' I cut him off. 'You are afraid of Sideswipe and I get it,now drive.'

He drove off. 'Are you... jealous?' I huffed. 'I am not jealous, I am worried. That's all.' He raised a brow. 'He can look after himself, you know that right? He's your guardian, you are not his.' I shook my head. The mech stopped. 'He just parked on the parking lot.' I nodded. 'Thank you for this, Mirage. I owe you something.' I hopped out. 'You do, be careful with him. He's cranky lately.' I hummed and softly shut his door. I sneaked closer towards the restaurant and stayed in the bushes. Sideswipe hates it if people spy on him and I don't want to get caught. I crouched down and watched him closely.

A car pulled up on the parking lot as well. A girl hopped out. Not just a girl but someone I know very well. Jade, a girl who made my life miserable on my previous high school. Her father is rich, she get everything done. My mouth nearly dropped. Sideswipe is too good to sleep with her. I bit my nails in nervousness and disbelief. I needed to know what they were talking about. As they entered the building, I got up and sneaked inside as well, making sure there was enough distance. They sat down and Sideswipe was doing all the talking, trying to impress her. I didn't know why this was bothering me so much. It's not any of my business, Mirage was right, he can look after himself. I sat down at the bar. Sideswipe couldn't see me from here, but I could clearly hear him.

I ordered a drink and listened to the conversation. It was all Sideswipe talking. I played with the glass on the counter. 'Another drink?' The barman questioned. I nodded. 'Ever tasted scotch?' he asked. 'No, I usually don't drink,' I muttered. 'You should try it.' He handed me a small glass. 'Are you trying to get me drunk?' the young men smiled. 'No, just offering a pretty girl a drink.' He winked at me. I snorted and shook my head, looking at the dinning room. 'I am Edward by the way.' I shook his hand. 'Skylla.' He hummed. 'Beautiful name.'

I shouldn't have taken the scotch. Especially not on an empty stomach. I rubbed my head, it's time to leave. I laid some money on the counter and got up. 'Leaving already?' I nodded and stumbled outside. Why was I so stupid? I don't drink. Why on earth did I take that shot. I fell off the stairs and scratched my knees. I turned towards the flowerbed and threw over. A burning sensation remained. 'You haven't changed, huh?' I turned my head. Jada laughed. 'Skylla? What are you doing here?' Sideswipe walked off the stairs. 'You know this pathetic lifeofrm?' Sideswipe shot her a glare. 'I feel fine...'

'Are you drunk?' He frowned. 'No... of course not. I don't drink.' He snorted. 'Come on, I'll take you home,' he sighed. 'I am going home, Sideswipe. Goodluck with that.' Jada passed and disapeared. 'I can't believe you spied on me,' he scowled. 'You're not supposed to know. I was only curious which bitch is getting laid next.' He shot me a glare and helped me back on my feet. 'I guess we are quitte.' He guided me to his alt-mode. He opened his door for me. 'Are you mad at me?' He sighed and pushed me in. 'I am a little bit, yes.'

'I guess it was worth it though... you can be mad at me. I don't care.' He slammed the door shut while shaking his head. He hopped in on the other side and headed towards the base. 'The guy behind the bar... Edward. He gave me scotch. I didn't even take much.' Sideswipe snorted, 'you don't drink. Your body isn't used to anything. Why did you follow me? The truth please.'

'Like I said, I wanted to know what stupid online girl you got this time. All the girls you pick are a bad choice and you deserve better. Someone who actually cares about you. Don't you have been through enough already? I didn't want you to sleep with another girl...' He glanced at me. 'It's not any of your business with who I sleep with.' I didn't reply on his blunt reaction. He parked and hopped out, helping me to my room. He sat me down. 'Leaving already?' I mumbled. He glanced at me. I grabbed his arm and pulled him closer towards me. He sat down and I curled up against him. I shut my eyes and felt him wrap his arm around me. I drifted off in a deep slumber.

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