Chapter 54. Moving in

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'Sideswipe! What the hell are you doing? You're supposed to help me.' I pulled him towards the elevator, away from the buttons in the general hall of our apartment complex. He took the box I was holding. 'Most of it is yours...' he pushed the button and turned. 'Sides, Please... it was early and I'm tired. Don't argue.' He kissed my forehead before stepping in the elevator. 'So am I.' I followed him. 'All the boxes I've carried for you, because it was to heavy... my muscles are sore.' I pressed on the fifth button. 'Oh, poor mech.' I pressed a kiss on his lips. 'I want more of that tonight.'

'No... I'm tired.' He gave me a look. 'I say... we order Thai and go to bed. Unpack tomorrow.' He could live with that. We walked up to our apartment. The apartment was perfect for us. He didn't want it to be too big and I wanted to have at least two bedroom. We cleaned up the table and settled down on a chair. We had been busy moving all day and not without bickering. 'You want to go to IKEA tomorrow?' I turned my gaze. 'Depends on it.'

He frowned. 'Depends on what?'
'Your mood.'
'Ah, right. We are starting that again, huh?'
He drew some circles on the table. 'Ikea is the place where relationships strand and we have been bickering all day.'
He glared. 'Don't deny it. You're cranky as hell.' He snorted. 'I get cranky when I am hungry, okay?' I got up and grabbed my phone. 'Let's order some food then.' Sideswipe pulled me on his lap. 'Could you do the spring roles? With chicken, egg and cucumber?' He almost snitched the phone out of my hands. 'Yeah, yeah... relax.'

'Dumplings! And Pad Thai noodles... oh and don't forget the Malaysian pork, shrimps, fried bananas, Shrimp and chicken toast with prume and cucumber dip.' I glanced at him. 'Kai phad king?' I kissed his cheek. 'Alright, if you stop being grumpy.' He nodded rapidly. 'If you can search for the plates and cutlery, then I'll go pick it up.' He looked over my shoulder, watching me order. 'Can I pick it up?' I met his gaze. 'You packed everything. You know where what is and I want to make sure everything is in that bag.'

I pecked his lips. 'Sure...' I got up. Sideswipe slapped my ass. 'Sideswipe!' He hummed and nonchalantly grabbed his jacket. 'Are you sure you don't want some stress relief? I really need it.' He pouted and gave puppy eyes. 'No, soon.' He kissed me. 'Go get our food.' He grabbed his keys. While he left, I did a little bit of unpacking.

It took him a while and he seemed really cranky when he came in. 'Stupid humans!' I took the bags. He sat down. We ate in silence. I was most surprised how hungry Sides was. I got it. He hadn't lunched and did some early work outs. He could spend his entire day in the gym. I really see him giving training.

'What would you feel for a cat?'

I glanced at him. 'Are you serious?' He nodded. 'Yeah, why not?' He mocked. I took another bite. His mood was ten times better now he had eaten. He even helped me clean up. 'I'm going to take a shower.' He nodded.

I took a nice long shower. At the point Sideswipe decided to check up on me. 'Did you drown or something?' He mocked, closing the door. I turned off the water and took the towel he offered me. He lifted my chin and connected his lips with mine. He turned and pushed me towards the door. 'My turn to shower.' He pushed me out. 'Are you serious.' He hummed and pushed my stuff in my hands before shutting the door. 'Jackass.'

I dressed up and sat down on the mattress. We still had to buy a bed frame somewhere. Sideswipe joined me fifteen minutes later and crawled next to me under the guilt and curled up against my back. 'Goodnight,' he whispered. I smiled, my eyes already closed. 'Goodnight, Sideswipe.'

The next morning, we woke up late. Obviously, I'm as the first one to wake up. I got up. 'Sideswipe, come on, baby.' I rubbed his back. He groaned and rolled on his back. 'You look like a scarecrow.' He snorted. 'Good morning to you too,' he scolded. 'A cute scarecrow.' He rolled his eyes. 'We need a bigger car.'


I straddled him. 'Hmm. Yeah, and... I just happen to know someone who can give me a bigger car.' I traced his chest. 'You do?' I hummed. 'I love you, so much...' I whispered. He leaned closer to my ear. 'Forget about it.'

'Well... I fear you got till next year then.' He frowned. 'For what?' He mocked. 'To frag me.' His eyes went wide. 'What! No. I've a say in this too. I can't wait that long. I'm a mech and— you can't blackmail me!' He walked after me. A smile formed on my lips. 'Babe.' He grabbed me. 'I want it...'
'I know you do. I'm messing with you, but I'm serious about the bigger car.' I passed him. 'Can't we rent one?'


'I don't know. There are bigger vehicles at the base. A van is what you need, right?'
'We, yes.'
'Sure, we have already access to that.'
He pushed me against the wall. 'If I managed to behave today...' he trailed off. I hummed. 'I thought that maybe we could uh...' he trailed off. I hummed. His lips crushed on mine. 'You know what I mean...' he murmured. I but my lip and nodded. 'Do you promise?'

'No. I don't promise you anything.' He gave me a look as I pushed him aside. 'If I promise you something... you will bother me me for the of my life.' Sideswipe snorted and sat down on the mattress. 'But that's the entire thing... you need to keep your promise.' I hummed. 'And that's why I won't make it because undoubtedly I can keep it today.' He rolled his ocean blue eyes in what I guessed annoyance.

We dressed up and left an hour later. Sideswipe was behaving surprisingly well. It's almost scary. He insisted to drive the van, so I just let him. He drove into the parking spot and cut off the engine. He hopped out and shut the door behind him. His eyes looked at the yellow and blue building before they landed on me. I could tel he was thinking something naughty and smirk coming along with it caused a shiver to ran down my spine.

I walked up to him and allowed him to wrap his arm around my shoulders. 'I promise you... I won't bother you today.' I snorted and looked him in the eyes. 'You better are, jackass.' I nudged him playfully. He smiled and kissed my cheek. 'Let's go.' I freed myself from him and walked towards the entrance.

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