Chapter 13. Wrong

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After my lecture this morning, I decided to search for Skyla. I hadn't seen her after she saved my ass. As I reached the hanger, I saw her with Mark again. He brushed some hair from her face and leaned in, pulling her in a kiss. I felt so angry. I marched over to them, pushing her away from her. 'What do you think you're doing,' I snapped. Mark punched my face. 'Leave you fucking idiot,' he sneered and charged at me. 'Guys!' Skyla came between us. 'Stop it, both of you,' she warned. 'He kissed you,' I snapped. 'Of course you donkey! She's my girlfriend,' he snapped. I looked at Skyla again. 'Really?' I snapped. She nodded, 'you have Stacy,' she said while turning around. 'Leave her alone, Sideswipe,' Mark snarled and took her away.

I kicked the pillar with a roar before turning around. That guy isn't good enough for her. I marched off, shaking my head. I didn't know why it bothered me so much. 'What's going with you?' I glanced at Prime and snorted, passing him. 'Sideswipe!' he blocked my way. 'What's going on?' he asked. 'Did you know!' I spat and pushed him against the wall. He tightly grabbed my wrists. 'Knew what?' he snapped. 'About Skyla and that mech! That she's dating him,' I snapped. 'No, I didn't know,' he said while I forcefully yanked my arm back. 'I bet,' I snapped sarcastically. 'Why does it bother you so much?' he asked.

'I don't know. I am just pissed off,' I scowled and stormed over to the gym. I needed to clear my mind and forget about what I saw. After three hours, I sat down, drinking an entire bottle of water while sweat dripped from my body and face. I looked up when Mirage strode in, also for some training. I approached him. 'Back off, you smell absolutely horrible,' he scowled and tried to pass me. 'I need a favor,' I said. He started laughing, 'I don't think so, Sideswipe,' he sneered. 'Please, please...' I grabbed his wrist. He growled and pushed me away. 'Don't touch me,' he snapped. 'Mirage, please,' I said again. 'What do you need,' he growled and crossed his arms. 'Do some research about a guy. Mark Wellford, the guy I often get into fights with,' I said. 'Why would I do that?' he scowled. 'Because... I don't trust him,' I said. He frowned, 'it's not making any sense and if I don't have a good reason to dig in his history, I won't do anything,' he snapped, passing me. 'He's dating Skyla and I want to make sure he's not some sort of sick serial killer.'

'Like your brother?'

I tried to keep my cool. 'You know what I mean. I am her guardian. It's my job to look after her,' I said. 'You never wanted to be her guardian, Sideswipe. All you did was mocking her off and sending her to the medbay. What changed your mind?' he snapped. 'Isn't it a good thing I changed my mind about her?' I sulked and crossed my arms as well. 'I don't know, Sideswipe. Depends on what I get,' he said. 'Punch in the guts if you don't help me out,' I snapped back, approaching him. 'You think I will help you now?' he hissed. I narrowed my eyes on him. 'You care about her. If something happens then it's your fault because you didn't want to help me out.' Mirage gritted his teeth. 'Fine, I will dig into his past,' he snarled and passed me. 'Good, thank you,' I scowled and walked away. If there's one thing suspicious about that guy, I will rip him apart myself and I don't need my twin to do that. I just can't stand it that Skyla is spending time with that human male. It just pissed me off so badly. I kicked against the wall before turning around. 'Damn it!' I scowled and marched over to my room for a nice cold shower.

((Heather's P.O.V))
Sideswipe was annoying the hell out of me. So childish. If I say A he says B and it's going like this for nearly two weeks. It doesn't matter what I do or what other people do. He hates it. I am dating Mark and somehow he can't stand it. He had a new hobby, pranking me. Not just an innocent prank but covering me in slime or cold water. He really started to get out of hand and no one was able to talk to him without getting roasted or getting a cheeky and rude answer back. People were desperate, I am desperate. I walked through the halls and found my trouble maker. 'Sideswipe, can we talk?' He gave me a silent treatment. 'Sideswipe, come on. You were mad at me the day before I didn't want to talk and now you don't want to talk,' I said. He glared at me. Here we go again. 'Says you! Dirty slut,' he snarled. 'Why do you feel so insulted? What is your problem? Instead of throwing these insults at me, why don't you tell me the damn truth,' I snapped. 'We talk when you dump that human,' he snapped. 'To please you?' I asked. He didn't reply. 'Damn, you have completely lost it, Sideswipe. You are... impossible.' He glared at me. 'You neglect me,' he snapped. 'I am not, you didn't even like me in the first place,' I snapped. I started to lose my patients. 'I don't like it, you are dating a human male and neglect me! I should be your first priority,' he snarled. ''Perhaps it's better if you drop this all then.' He stared at me. Perhaps this was all a mistake and perhaps I made a mistake trusting you.'

'That's not what I meant but... you do neglect me. I am your... guardian. You should spend time with me,' he stated. 'You have Stacey, remember?' I asked. 'No, she doesn't have time for me. I wanna get laid.' I crossed my arms. 'I wanna get some tension out. She doesn't want it...' he groaned. 'You wanna help me? I am good, really good,' he said and smirked. 'Are you drunk?' his face dropped. 'No, I am bloody serious and waiting for you to say yes. Come on, let's have some fun,' he stated. 'Do you even hear yourself?' I snapped. 'What? I am just saying that you would feel really good underneath me,' he said, smirking. I hit his cheek. He flinched, shocked. Before he could recover and get mad, I stormed off.

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