Chapter 8. I am not ashamed

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I laid in bed, watching YouTube. Facing Skyla was too painful. Usually I don't mind if femmes see my spike but in this condition it was so humiliating. Even for me. I pulled my knees higher to my chest. I hadn't done a single thing to other than laying in bed. I looked up when the door open. Of course it had to be Skyla. A dark blush spread over my face as she placed a plate with food on the nightstand. 'Do you feel better?' She asked. 'Uhm, yeah... thanks.' She hummed and studied me. 'Are you going to keep avoiding me?' She asked. I blushed a deep shade of red. 'Why are you so embarrassed. You're huge down there, what's the problem? Why are you so shy about it?'

'Stop!' I hid under the blanket. She nudged me. 'You think I don't know how a manhood looks like?' She joked. I peeked at her. 'You never had a boyfriend.'
'I have had biology,' she said. 'Okay, we'll perhaps yours is first one I saw live...' she teased. I rolled on my stomach, wrapping my arm under my head. 'Now I understand why you want to show it off to everybody.'
'Okay, just stop! Stop.' I covered her mouth. 'It's not about my size, alright.' I removed my hand. 'Than what is it?' She asked, smiling. A shiver ran down my spine. She was sincerely curious why I was so shy about it. 'Because is the catheter?' She asked, cocking her head to the side. 'Yeah... just the entire situation,' I sighed.

She shrugged and ran her hand through her long hair. 'Don't worry about it.' She waved her hand. I glanced at her. 'I've had an embarrassing moment as well,' she said. 'Yeah?' I muttered. She sat down against the nightstand. 'Do you know I am a model?' I asked. Sideswipe nodded. 'I wear all kinds of things during the photo shoots. From winter clothing to lingerie. A year ago, I was doing a shoot for Victoria secret. I don't know if you're familiar with it but the lingerie I was wearing a very spicy lingerie set, with lots of lace and not much to cover. It covered what it had to cover but it was spicy. They use these photos for their new collection book. But they had taken that particular photo and placed it all on billboards, trucks, posters... for everyone to see. They hadn't told me nor did they ask permission to use it for that kind of purpose.'


I was speechless. She nodded, 'you're lucky because it was just me and Ratchet and probably no one knows about it. Maybe Optimus but the entire United States has seen my photos.' I snorted, 'that's ridiculous,' I said. 'You're pretty, so you don't have to be ashamed but... still ridiculous,' I muttered. 'They wanted to promote their more spicy lingerie,' she sighed. 'Are the photos still on social media?' I asked. 'I don't know... it's been a year. Perhaps. It's my job to show clothing or lingerie but they never asked for my permission.'

'So the entire base knew?'
She snorted and nodded. 'Yup, got a lot of dirty comments until Prime stepped up. After that it was done,' she said. 'Jeez, did they never try to... you know get you in bed?' I asked. 'Some tried, yes. Do you remember when you asked me why I don't have a boyfriend?' She asked. 'Yeah, you realizing you are boring?' I scoffed. 'I got raped.'

I felt another wave of guilt wash over me. 'Two years ago. My mom had just killed herself and I was grieving over the loss of my mom and my dad. Which was all in the same year and my uncle...' she shook her head. Her eyes became teary. 'Hey...' I reached for her face and brushed a few tears away. 'I am sorry.' I shook my head and got up, sitting next to her. 'Look, I know you don't like me and you think I am boring but I can see frustration and sadness. I know because I've been there and I know what it can do to people if they've been through something traumatic.'

I studied her sad face. It still hunter and hurt her. I didn't know to comfort her or what to say. I've said so many things that hurt her. 'I am sorry.' She glanced at me. 'For the things I said and did... if I only knew—' I cut myself off. She shook her head and sucked in a breath. 'Do they know you've been raped?'
'No, you're the only one,' she whispered. I mentally grimaced again. She trusted me with this horrible secret while I didn't deserve to know. Her teary eyes made me shiver in horror. Again, I felt a tsunami of guilt wash over me. I pulled her in a tight hug.

I ran my hand through her dark blonde hair. Gosh her perfume was nice. Sweet, but not too sweet. Skyla appreciate the affectionate gesture to my surprise. I figured a long time ago that humans are not cuddly. Even I love to cuddle and hug. The femmes I did end up in bed with just told me to piss once I finished. They didn't want me to cuddle them or whatsoever. I never complained about, scared it would ruin my reputation. She wrapped her arm around my waist and rested her head on my chest. 'I don't like what is going between us.'

I sighed softly. 'I tried to be nice and I am really sorry for what happened in the mall but I was insulted,' she said quietly. 'It's okay, I was a jerk so...' I reassured. A weak smile formed on her lips. 'You were,' she muttered. 'While you can be so sweet. I've seen you interact with Annabel,' I mumbled. 'Yeah, I can be sweet if I'd like.' She snorted and sat back. 'Eat your food and stop ignoring me,' she said, jabbing her finger in the center of my chest. 'Yea, ma'am,' I scowled and rolled my eyes. I still can't stand it when people tell me what to do. 'Unless you rather starve yourself because I saw your junk.' I started blushing again while she got up.

'I am not shy about my size,' I snapped while sitting on the edge. 'Then why do you act like it's a huge problem for you?' She asked. 'I was just embarrassed about the entire situation, it has nothing to do with genitals thank you. Now if you would leave, I'd pretty much appreciate.' I waved my hand and grabbed the plate of spaghetti. 'You're the biggest drama queen on earth,' she said before leaving. All I could do was roll my eyes. 'Sure I am...'

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