Chapter 19. Chatting

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'Shouldn't you be with Sam?'

I sat down next to Sideswipe. 'I should but I didn't want to leave you behind. You wanted to watch a movie?' I asked. He snorted and looked down at the table. 'You don't have to baby sit me, Skylla. I can take care of myself,' he muttered. I laid my hand on his, drawing his attention. 'I know that.' I rested my head on his shoulder. 'But...?' He asked. 'There's not but. I am tired and I rather spend my time with you,' I mumbled. 'I understand that with the busy schedule you have. Why don't you never take it easy? Why are you always busy?' He mocked. I snorted, 'I don't know, Sideswipe. I like keeping myself occupied. Or do you rather have me annoy the hell out of you?' I joked.

He smiled softly and shook his head. 'Do you love him? Mark, I mean?' He asked. I cocked my head to the side. 'I do, otherwise I wouldn't date him.' He nodded and drew some circles on the table. 'Do you have a girl in sight or...?' He shook his head. 'No, I mean... not a girl I can get. They're all sold out,' he mocked. I nudged his side and sighed a little in relief. Of course I don't want him to be alone for the rest to his life, but I am glad he's single.

I ran my hand over his back in a comforting manner. I felt all his muscles. They were tensed and stiff. 'Come on.' I got up and he followed me to his room. 'Let me get the knots out of your back.' I pointed at the bed. He removed his shirt and tossed it to the side. I glanced at his eight-pack for a minute. 'Enjoy the view?' He mocked. 'You know you can have it, right?' He smirked as he rubbed over it. 'Lay down, show off.' He kept smirking and laid down. I grabbed the oil and straddled him. 'I like it when femmes are on top of me,' he purred. 'Sideswipe, shut up.' I tapped his back before I started to pour the oil over his skin.

My hands were tingling in excitement to touch his back and knead the muscle and flesh. Sideswipe uttered a moan and shut his eyes. I guess I was hitting the right spots. A smile formed on his lips. 'Keep hitting me there, it feels good.' I moved my way over his muscles towards his neck. 'I am glad you stayed,' he whispered. I lowered my head, smelling the sweet odor of his shampoo. 'Me too,' I whispered. Sideswipe shivered. 'You're quite... flirty for someone who has a boyfriend.'

'Depends on how you look at it. I am not the type to flirt and I suck at flirting,' I mumbled. 'No, you don't. You're good at it,' he whispered. My hot breath fanned down his neck. 'You're good at flirting.' He smirked. 'Keep giving me compliments. I like it.'

'Yeah? You're handsome, sweet and really smart.' He shuddered. 'And I start to like you. At the beginning you were a jerk but it's nearly impossible to not get attached to you,' I scoffed. He opened his eyes and looked over his shoulder. 'Believe me, there are enough people who don't get attached to me.' I stopped and looked him in the eyes. Those beautiful ocean blue eyes. 'Guess they don't know you good enough.' He snorted and turned, holding my hips. 'And how good do you know me?'

'Good enough to know that you are tougher from the outside than from the inside.'

He snorted. 'Now I am insulted.' I got up and opened his drawer. 'Than to whom belongs this?' he got up. 'That's not mine.' I hummed and looked at the teddybear. 'It smells like you.' He snitched it out of my hand and pushed it back in the drawer. 'What's your point, Skylla? I am not in a really good mood, so... don't press my buttons.' I hummed and stepped back. 'I am just saying that before you ended up with me, I have watched you and I know how sweet and loving you can be. You're not selfish but you act selfish because you're hurt. You can deny it, but we both know it's true.'

He huffed and crossed his arms. 'You are the biggest trouble maker on earth.' He rolled his eyes. 'My trouble maker.' He glanced at me. 'Your trouble maker?' I smirked softly and shrugged. 'You don't want to explain that to me?' he asked. 'No.' He hummed and approached me. 'It's a shame you are dating a guy. Just imagine the things I can do with you.' I crossed my arms. 'Sideswipe, I told you to drop it.' He gave me a look. 'I don't let people tell me what to do. I just want you to think about it. I get it, you have a boyfriend and you're loyal. I would be loyal if I had a real sparkmate, but come on... why Mark? That guy is a jerk... an ass.'

'And my boyfriend.'

'Yes, also that. I am not boring and Mark is. I don't understand how you can stay with him for hours. Why if you get attached to me, are you dating a stupid guy like Mark?'
'Oh, so you're telling me that you have feelings for me now?' I laughed. 'Sideswipe, you don't have feelings for me. You are jealous and you want to frag. I end up like Stacy. A girl that is only good for one thing and I rather be with someone boring, than with a guy that only uses me for sex. Stop talking bullshit, please.' Sideswipe sucked in a breath. 'I wouldn't use you...'

'You have used me in the past, Sideswipe. You are smart, there's always a catch. We are friends and it will stay that way, okay?' He nodded and sat down. 'Just tell me one thing...' I gazed at him. 'Why didn't you go to Sam but spent time with me instead? You don't have to be here, I never asked for you to be here and yet, here you are. I am curious why and I don't believe your previous story.' I snorted and shook my head. 'But that is the story. I have no other story to tell you.' He nodded. 'Alright, if you say so. Can you continue your massage?' He laid back down on his stomach and waited. 'Sure...'

My best friend is an Autobot - stuck with youHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin