Chapter 38. Swearing

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Sideswipe knocked on the door of the bathroom. 'I am almost done,' I replied. 'No, I wanna talk to you for a sec.' I unlocked the door to let him in. 'Listen, about last night... I am so sorry. I didn't know you were this blank.' I raised my hand. 'Please, it's okay. Don't worry so much about it. It felt good,' I said. 'I just don't understand how you can not know about this stuff,' he said. 'After what happened I kinda... blocked that subject from my existence. I wasn't interested in guys nor about anything else.'
'Boring, huh?' I passed. 'No, no... it's not boring. Sweetspark, wait.' He grabbed my arm. He wrapped his arms around my waist. 'If I knew—' I cut him off again. 'Stop talking.' He smiled wryly. 'You look hot in this new bikini. A string, didn't know you were into this kind of stuff,' he said. 'I wear it quite often, but you knew.' I passed. 'How could I have known?' I grabbed my white dress and pulled it over my head. 'Because... you look into magazines, right?' I asked. 'No, I don't. You're a model, not a porn star,' he mocked. 'True, but doesn't mean the company I work for, has sold some of my photos to other... companies.'

'Other companies?'

'Yeah, it's a modeling bureau. People come to us and ask if I or someone else can wear their clothing so they can put in a magazine or show it on TV, you know... marketing stuff. That's how it's supposed to work for the company I work for but if my boss gets a bunch of money, he's willing to do anything. Even selling photos to companies without telling me.'

'You could sue him for that.'
'I am going to quite, Sideswipe. I guess he got mad and did what he did. I don't want trouble, I don't want to go to court get a lawyer and spend a lot of money to get what? A refund? I am not naked on that photo, just lingerie for Victoria secret. That's all. I'll survive.'

'Right...' he stepped back. 'Do you think that... if you had a boyfriend... you would still do all these shoots?' He asked. 'Why not?' I asked. 'Maybe because your boyfriend wouldn't like it,' he said. 'Wouldn't like it? It's my work,' I replied. 'Yeah, I know but... if you would be my girlfriend, I wouldn't want anyone to see you. Because you would be mine and I don't want guys to drool over you.' I ohh'ed and shrugged. 'Mark didn't mind when I was dating him. I asked but he said it was fine and he actually liked it,' I replied. 'But you and him never... did anything?'
'Of course not. I didn't feel comfortable. He wanted it but I chucked out. I got scared I guess.'

I grabbed my flip-flops. 'But... I've never seen you wear things for Mark like you do for me.' I raised a brow. 'What do you mean? I can't wear this bikini at the base. It would be inappropriate and I still help them out. I don't wanna ruin my clothes and N.E.S.T shirt is fine, right?'

'You're casual clothes. You never wore these things for Mark but when I am around you... you're dressed in the hottest things and things I like to see. Before you didn't, so why did you start doing it?' He asked. 'It's summer...'
He crossed his arms. 'Does it matter? I wear what I like to wear, now let's go, I am starving.' I walked up to the door. 'That's my phrase.' He took a sprint. 'Just pointing out what I noticed. I don't mind at all.' I gave him a look while opening the door. 'Move.' I pushed him outside. 'The big question is... where are you going to work now?' He asked. 'I have two things in mind... one, I am gonna do a road trip through America for a year, start college in California or two... I join N.E.S.T and follow a training.'
He was oddly quiet. 'Funny, but for real...' he trailed off. 'I am for real, Sideswipe. 'I don't like both. Where's the third option?'

'I don't have a third option, Sideswipe.'

He was disappointed. 'Why do you have all these delusional ideas? First a house, now you want to road trip and start college in California or join N.E.S.T?! Are you out of your mind?!' He snapped. I didn't reply. 'Like... what the hell is wrong with you!' I felt my eyes getting teary. 'Seriously?!'

'Yeah, and what you doing with your life?!' I yelled and blocked his way. 'At least I have two options and who are you to decide what I do or not! I am not controlling your damn life either and all you do is being a whore! You don't hear me about that either?!'
People looked at us. 'You have no right to tell me what to do. I only need approval from Lennox and Prime. Why do you keep telling me what to do? Why can't you just support me for once like I always try to do. In all those weeks, you haven't asked me once about my future. I don't wanna end in magazines because of my boss! Just like I don't want ask for your approval. I wanna enjoy life... just like you do. I am sorry you lost your home planet, your brother and have been through all those horrible things but that's not a reason to tell me what to do!' I snapped.

He snorted. 'How much choice and freedom do you think I have? I am only here on earth for one damn thing and that's saving your butt from the Decepticons! I need to fight! I don't have an option but you do and you're going to risk your life for what exactly?! You're so Primus sake beautiful that it makes me wanna rip all your clothes off. I can't think about anything else but you. I don't have any peace when you're not around. I don't wanna lose you out of my sight because I am scared that if I do, I will never see you again. I screwed up a lot of things, but I will not be screwing this up either. If you go, I go and if I can't, you won't. Call me a whore, I don't care. At least you know that I always get what I want, no matter how. I am stuck with you but you're also stuck with me. So end of discussion!' He tightly held my arm at the point it started to bruise.

'You're just obsessed. What am I to you? You're possession now?!' I scoffed angrily. 'Let me be clear, Skylla. You might have saved my ass several times, but it will not change anything. I can be nice, but I also have another side. You don't want to see that other side. I am even willing to hunt you down. I am the mech here, keep that in mind for next time you open your damn mouth and be disrespectful.' I couldn't believe my ears right now. He's been disrespectful for most of the time since he became my guardian. 'I have seen that other side of yours. You beat me into the medbay with an internal bleeding and just for the record, I can make one phone call send your ass back to base. You followed me and the reason I went with Ironhide is because you require a lot of attention and I just wanted some peace. I wanted a week without arguing with you. I can be perfectly on my own but you treat me like an irresponsible piece of flesh. Why don't you just go back to base and leave me alone.'

I waved my hand before passing him. 'I thought you wanted me here, that you would like it!' I halted and turned. 'I would like it if you just keep your damn mouth shut. No more arguing. If you don't have anything nice or useful to say, then keep your damn mouth shut,' I snapped. He snorted; 'Fine, then I'll go!'

My best friend is an Autobot - stuck with youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora