Chapter 28. Short in cash

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Sideswipe sucks at spying. I wasn't sure if he realized it himself or that he simply didn't care. I strode into the archive with a bunch of files. Lennox asked me to bring them back because he was late for his meeting... again.'
The door opened again. 'Can we talk?' I glanced briefly at Sideswipe. 'Please... I-' he yanked at my arm and forced me to look at him. 'I am sorry, okay? I should've have said what I said. I was rude and you didn't deserve that. Can you give me another change?'

I stared at him for a long time. 'You were wrong too for locking me up and I kinda... forgot about that too,' he said and offered me a weak smile. 'I thought you said you didn't want to be seen around me. What makes you think that feeling will just go away. I know I was wrong, but that was once. You keep doing it over and over again. I am tired of going through that every time. You understand the issue here?' He rapidly nodded. 'I do, and I am sorry.' He reached for my face and brushed some strands behind my ear. 'Please, talk to me.'

'What do you want from me?'

He raised a brow. 'To be friends again.' I snorted. 'Have we ever been friends?' I asked. 'Yes, I know I haven't treated you good but... give me a change,' he stated. 'How many changes do I need to give you?' A silence fell. 'I am sorry. Okay. About everything. Could you please give me a change? It's all I ask and I will prove myself to you. I just don't like seeing you around a mirage. That kiss... it just made me realize that...' he cut himself off. 'That you what?' I mocked. 'I might actually do like you...' he said slowly. 'Really? Like me?' I mocked. 'I am serious.' He followed me. 'Please...' he yanked at my arm. 'Dump Mirage... pick me instead. I will take you to fancy places as well.'

'First of all, you don't have the money for that, second of all, I don't need to go to fancy places and third of all, I don't dump people like you do. I actually do care about others and their feelings,' I stated. He sighed and ran his hand through his soft, silky dark brown hair. 'I made mistakes, I know that but please— give me a change.'

'Mirage and I aren't a couple. We are best friends and partners in crime. I know that mech for a very long time. I only have to look at him and he knows what I mean. We don't have that. I had a crush on you, but that was before you told me it would be idiotic if I liked you so... I got over it. I think there are better mechs out there and you can stick to your slutty friends who don't give a shut about you or your feelings'

He tightly grabbed my arm. 'Give me a change. One date is all I ask to prove myself. It will be unforgettable. I can promise you that.' He smirked and winked at me. 'One date...' he brushed some strands behind my ear. 'You're broke.'

'No, not entirely.'

I sighed. 'Fine, one date.' He smiled and nodded. 'Good. Tonight, 7 PM.' I gave a small nod and watched him walk away. This can rather go quite well, or end in a disaster.

That evening, the mech was waiting for me in the hanger. He was nicely dressed in his black skinny jeans, skin tight shirt and leather jacket. He also put his hair in shape, something he stopped doing recently. I approached him. Plus, he smiled quite nice. I didn't even know he had perfume. 'You look beautiful,' he said and opened his door for me. 'Thank you, so do you.'

'Special for you.'

He shut the door behind me. Usually, I am not really nervous around him but now I was. Perhaps because I wanted this to go right. Maybe deep down I wanted him to like me too. Sideswipe hopped in and started his engine. 'So, where are we going?'

'Well, I was thinking...' he trailed off while clawing at his steering wheel. He was nervous. 'Yeah...?' I glanced at him. 'I think I'll keep it as a surprise,' he muttered. 'Sure.' I slumped back in the chair. 'Thanks anyway, for doing this. I know I didn't deserve it.' I snorted. That's an understatement.

'Yeah, whatever.'

'No, I mean it. I have treated you like trash...' I sucked in a breath. 'Yeah, you did, but so did I.'
'Once. I hurt you every time and used you for my own benefits. I attract the wrong type of girls.' I hummed. 'Plus, the entire thing with Mark and Mirage kinda made me angry.' I snorted. 'You freaked out over one stupid kiss.'
'Even it wasn't real, it was still a kiss and I know I am a much better kisser,' he stated. 'Yeah, I bet.'

'I'll show you later tonight.'
'You're gonna kiss me?'
'Why not? Mirage did it too.'
'I kissed him. 
'So? I will kiss you and I'll show you how good I am.'
'You're good at a lot of things but not at paying attention.'

I pointed at the road. Sideswipe served over the lane and nearly hit another car. His face turned red. 'Don't get distracted,' I muttered. 'Yeah...'
He said nothing anymore and parked in an underground parking lot. 'Before I take you to the restaurant, I need to say that I am a little short on cash, but not broke.' I hummed and nodded.

I followed him. 'You got the to her kidding me? You take me to the McDonalds? Our first date, Sideswipe. You don't take your date to the McDonalds.' He ran his hand through his hair. 'I only have 20 bucks so...'

'Twenty bucks? Seriously? You know what... let's go to the restaurant across the street,' I pointed at it. 'I can't afford it. I spend all my money on parties,' he said. 'I'll pay,' I said. 'No, no... I don't want you to pay. Please...' he pointed at the McDonalds.'

He offered me his hand and led me inside. 'I know, it's kinda basic, but even with a low budget we can still have fun. What would you like to eat?' He asked. I looked at the board. 'I think I'll go with two cheeseburgers.' He glanced at me. 'You don't have to keep my budget in mind.'
'I always take that and I know you always take the chicken nuggets, but they're already 12 dollars.' He sighed.

After we ordered and had our food, we were 45 minutes later. 'I am sorry. This is not what you had expected,' he sighed. 'Actually I did.' He perked his head up. 'I did know you would go for the McDonalds. It's relative cheap and you're broke. Now you spend your last remaining money on me...' I said. 'It was kinda worth it. Although, you're more worth than 20 dollars,' he said.

'Well, that's why I deposited 50 bucks on your bank account. So you're not entirely broke because of me,' I said. 'And please don't argue with me about it. It's my choice,' I warned as he opened his mouth. 'Thank you... you didn't have to but thanks.' I took a bite. 'I will pay you back, I promise.' I smiled softly. 'It's fine, Sideswipe. Relax a little bit.' I waved my hand. He sucked in a breath before he started eating as well.

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