Chapter 4. A busy day

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I woke up at 10. I still didn't feel like I wanted to get up. What happened yesterday was still fresh in my mind. After half an hour I decided to get up and walk start my day. I sat down and looked up as Sideswipe sat down in front of me. I snorted and shook my head. 'Hey, are you okay?' He asked, pointing at my hand. 'You don't know me... so why do you care?' I asked bluntly. 'I am sorry, I just didn't want her to know the truth,' he said. 'Do you have any idea how mean that sounds?'

He sighed softly. 'Did you tell anyone about what I said or where I was?' He asked. I snorted, 'just go away,' I snapped. I brushed a tear off my face. 'Skyla, hey.' He grabbed my hand. 'Don't cry. Okay? Just don't,' he said. I looked at him with watery eyes. 'There's no need to cry,' he stated. I snorted and got up, sitting down somewhere else. I didn't want to talk to him. I just wanted to eat in peace without him. Once I finished, I left to and decided to go into town.


Prowl's strict voice made me jump in the air. 'Where are we going?' He asked. My eyes widened in surprise and shock. 'Uhm, just into town...' I said, pointing at the entrance. 'Alone?' He asked. 'Uhm, I guess so. You'd like to join?' I asked, smiling a little. Prowl snorted, 'where's Sideswipe?' He asked. 'Ugh, I don't know. Making a fuzz somewhere,' I muttered. 'I am right here, thank you.' I turned my head. The mech drove up to us. 'Why don't you take her into town?' Prowl asked. 'Because I am not a cab, maybe?' Sideswipe snapped. 'It's fine. See you later, Prowl.'

The mech grabbed my arm and yanked me back. 'Take her, Sideswipe,' Prowl snapped. 'Why?' Sideswipe challenged. 'Because I say so, unless you'd like to end up in the brig for two weeks,' he snapped. 'I don't want to be seen with her,' Sideswipe snapped. Prowl scoffed, 'why not?' He snapped. I didn't want to be part of this conversation anymore. 'I don't hang out with a loser like her! She can't even hold some plates,' he sneered and revved his engine. I freed myself from Prowl and stormed off. Regardless the yelling, I left. 'The only loser here is Sideswipe,' I scowled.

I went into town, enjoying myself. I then spotted Sideswipe and he wasn't alone, again with the same brunette. They had fun and it made wonder why he liked her so much? I was still pissed about previously and in my anger I marched over to him, slapping his cheek so hard he collapsed on the ground. 'That's what you get! You dirty slut!' His eyes went wide. 'Who are you?' The girl snapped. 'Who are you?' I snapped back.
'I am his girlfriend.'

'So am I!'

Sideswipe jumped up. 'No! She's not! She's not my girlfriend,' he said and glared at me. 'Yeah? And the sex last night?' I asked. Sideswipe turned a bright red. 'Skyla is lying, we have nothing, literary nothing,' he said. The girl slapped his cheek, 'you cheater,' she spat out. 'I am not! She's making this up,' Sideswipe shouted. I snorted and stormed off. I know Sideswipe will be in trouble now, even everything was a lie. My body was shaking now the adrenaline faded.

That evening, I heard a knock. Honestly, I expected Jazz but I faced a furious Sideswipe. 'What we're you think!' He screamed and pushed me in the ground. I groaned. 'How could you!' He shouted. He kicked me in the gut and I backed off. Sideswipe slammed his fist on the table. 'I was going to frag her tonight! You ruined it for me,' he spat out and glared. 'Yeah, well... I was pissed off about what you said. I've been trying to test you nicely but you never return it. You want people to be nice but how can they do that if you're not nice to them?'

Sideswipe kicked me again. 'Sideswipe!' Jazz slammed him away from me against the wall. They started fighting fiercely, Jazz was barely able to control the furious mech. Jazz slammed Sideswipe's head into the wall and he collapsed. Dizzy and disoriented. 'Stupid frag,' Jazz hissed before stepping over him and crouched down. I was shaking. 'You're okay?' He asked. I gave a small nod and let him help me up. I looked down at Sideswipe who slowly started to recover and held his head. He was bleeding quite badly. Jazz tightly grabbed him. Sideswipe uttered a scream in pain as he did so. 'You are coming with me, you went too far this time,' Jazz snarled. Sideswipe looked at me but I ignored him and turned my head away.

I was still shaken and sat down, holding my stomach. Optimus and Prowl came in ten minutes later. 'Why is he such an asshole?' I asked. Prime crouched down, examine my state. 'Because he is,' Prowl replied grimly. 'Did he hit you?' Optimus asked. 'He kicked me... twice.' Optimus pushed my arm away to have a look. A huge blue and purple spot had formed. 'Internal bleeding.' He helped me up and excorted me personally back to the medbay. 'He went too far,' Optimus muttered to Prowl. Ratchet instantly started to work on me, giving me an infuse and removed my shirt. 'Perhaps you two can discuss this outside, I need to perform an emergency surgery,' Ratchet snapped and waved them off.

Optimus ran his hand over my head before he walked off. 'Alright, you go to sleep now,' Ratchet said, grabbing the mask and placed it over my nose and mouth. 'What is going to happen with Sideswipe?' I asked. He shook his head, 'doesn't matter, just relax and don't fight the anesthetic,' he muttered. He turned on the gas and I fell asleep in just a matter of seconds.

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