Jail Fight || Chapter 79

Start from the beginning

Finding myself back at school I decided to keep the video information to myself. I only got the video and no follow up message no matter how many times I texted the number. Even though so many happy things happened between Luca and I during the break I couldn't stop thinking about someone having such a video of us being rather intimate.

Luca knew something was up and I could tell he knew something was off but luckily he never pressed further. During Christmas Luca had kissed me under the mistletoe along with during new years when the clock struck 12:00. Along with all of that Luca and I said 'I love you.' to each other for the first time while making love that wonderful night. I loved hearing him say it.

Once I met up with the crew they all caught me up on their love lives. Alex and Eric had gotten together during the break as well apparently. Elena and Olivia had also gotten together. Jay and Katie went through a rough patch but they got over it. As for the others they were as happy as they could be.

"LYLAAAAA!!!!!!" Eric shouted in the school hallway as he ran towards me knocking us both to the floor making me groan before laughing when he hugged me tightly.

"A simple hello would of sufficed." I chuckled out and he laughed before standing us up.

"And be basic?! Fuck no!" I laughed before shaking my head.

"Come I'll walk you." Once class stared I made sure to avoid Lucas gaze to avoid suspicion from anyone else's eyes.

I found myself now in his office meeting him since he had decided to call me. When I walked in Luca kissed me and I pulled back immediately. I didn't want to but we had to be extra careful.

"Okay Lyla what's wrong? You've been acting weirdly and distant ever since the hospital." Luca spoke as he stood a few steps away from me along with folding his arms over his chest. I can't tell him, it'll just stress him out more and send him to the hospital again.

"It's nothing Luca I promise." With a positive smile I spoke causing him to sigh.

"Lyla talk to me, you've been distant ever since the hospital and even when we're being intimate your mind is far from what we're doing." His hands held mines and I allowed him to.

"Lyla we're a team, no?" I wanted to tell him so badly.

"We are but there's nothing to tell I promise." I hated lying to him.

"If you say so." He let my hands drop to my side and I excused myself from the situation.

Walking down the hallway with the girls of course we had to run into Nataly and Paola. Apparently they became friends during the break.

"Well if it isn't the trailer trash." Paola said making me roll my eyes.

"I heard she was a prostitute." Nataly said laughing. I honestly wasn't in the mood.

"No what I heard was that she was such a slut she use to fuck her foster daddies." Paola said making my blood boil. I lunged for her but was held back.

"Come on, she's not worth it." Delilah spoke pulling me away from the conflict.

"Yeah, you could end up in jail." Sofi added trying to rationalize.

"I say beat her ass." Elena also chimed in making me smile.

I turned around and allowed them to lead me away but stopped in my tracks as soon as Paola uttered the forbidden words in my book. There was a crowd of students but I didn't give a fuck.

"That's what I thought." Turning around I walked up to her as calm as the ocean is after a storm.

Tilting my head to the side and smirking with my arms folded over my chest I gave her a last chance to back out.

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