Easter Headcanons🌹🌻

206 3 7

Modern AU



• She despises egg hunts. No matter what's inside of the eggs, she won't do them. You can't convince her.



• You know how they sometimes have the Easter bunny in the mall? That would probably be the only reason you'd be able to get him to come shopping with you. He'll hunt down the bunny the entire time until he gets a picture or an Easter egg from the bunny.



• So, Mono loves the Easter bunny, right? Seven fears it. He will do whatever he can in his power to avoid the Easter bunny. For whatever reason, the Easter bunny's look just doesn't look right to him and makes him feel fear. And when the bunny gets ahold of him, he will start crying.



• She is a beast when it comes to egg hunts. She'll find the most eggs, no matter what it takes. She'll push people, kick people, maybe even start biting. But, she'll win, no matter the cost.


The Porcelains/ The 'Bullies'🏫:

• You can't do anything with them. But, after the egg hunt, there are two, maybe three, fewer kids than there were whenever they began. 

The Hunter🔫:

• He doesn't do anything for Easter, but, he'll hunt whatever they're planning to eat for Easter dinner. Otherwise, he's sitting on the couch for the day.


The Thinman🕰️:

• Okay, so, he'll get something random and morph it into the shape of a bunny, hide it somewhere, then make the kids go on a hunt for it. Whoever brings it back gets the most dessert. 


The Janitor🧹:

• He'll make the kids some extra Easter baskets if the Easter bunny doesn't stop by. Though he can't see what he's putting in the baskets, he'll try his best to make them as nice as he possibly can. 


The Lady🎭:

• She would have a small get-together for Easter with an egg hunt, prizes, dinner, and even dancing if you're lucky. But, overall, she'll try her best to make it as nice as possible.


Word Count: 330

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