Things they'd do the most during summer!⛱️🏝️

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•She would probably stay home most of the summer until she's dragged out of her house to hang out with everyone else.



•He'd be going on adventures in the forest or anywhere he can find an adventure that he's interested in. 



•Not swimming. There might be something in the water. But he'll do a water balloon fight.



•Amuesment parks. She'd probably go on the tallest roller coasters there, if she's tall enough.


The Porcelains/ The 'Bullies'🏫:

•They'd play games on the roads in their neighborhood. So, in conclusion, they'd just block up the road.


The Hunter🔫:

•Camping. In a camper or in tents, it's camping!


The Thinman🕰️:

•He'd be traveling! By the end of the summer, he'd probably already been around the world for the 2nd time.


What're you guys planning on doing this summer?

Word count: 

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