Favorite Childhood Games | Headcanons

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•Her favorite game would be Sharks and Minnows. Her favorite part about it is probably being the shark.



•Tag! It's his favorite because it's a game, but you're still running away from whatever you're running from. He liked being 'it' sometimes, but other's he liked to be the one running from 'it'.


•Hide-n-seek. He liked being the one hiding instead of the seeker.



•Dodge ball. No further context.


The Porcelains/ The 'Bullies':

•Hide-n-seek + tag. It's fun, but not when half of the school is coming after you at once. 


The Hunter:

•His is probably Marco-Polo. But not in the woods, it's a really bad idea! Once you got trapped, another time, he fell into the swamp-like place.


The Thinman:

•Tag! But he really likes being 'it'. Since he can teleport and you can't, it makes it easier for him.


I might start updating this book a lot more, but for now, this is all we have. Anyways, I hope you have a great day and enjoyed this chapter! Bye!

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