How they'd react to you saying their name in your sleep.

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•She'd probably just look at you, stare at for a few seconds, then go back to whatever she was doing before.



•"Yeah- Huh!?!" He probably thought you were awake, but then remembered you were asleep. So now he doesn't know either to feel terrified or feel loved.


Seven/Runaway Kid:

•There are two ways he can handle this. He would either look at you for a few seconds, then start blushing furiously. Or he start looking around like someone else called him, and even may go, "Wait! IS IT MY TIME YET!?! NO!"


Veronica/ GITYR/ Raincoat girl:

•She'd shake you awake, and whenever you're awake, ask you what you were dreaming about. You'd tell her, and then she'd just nod her head. She'd then continue to tease you about how you said her name while you were sleeping.


The Porcelains/ The 'Bullies':

•They would all have different feelings. Some would be excited and jumping around, some would be totally creeped out, some would just have mixed feelings about the situation, some would even check if you're sick or not.


The Hunter:

•He would slowly turn his head to face where you were laying asleep, then proceed to say, "What- Excuse me?! Hell no." Then dramatically throw whatever he was holding in the air, and dramatically gets up off the couch.


The Thinman:

•Unbothered since it's happened more than once. But he would still give you some looks whenever you do it though.


Hi :)

Little Nightmare headcanons and Scenarios(Including Y/n)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora