They Find Out that You're From a Different World

730 19 14

Requested by: BlueBellMoonBell



•She will never, and I mean never, look at you the same again. She would always view you as someone who was sent to come and kill her. She'd occasionally try and get rid of you, but then you always ended up with her again.



•He doesn't believe in the "Other World" stuff. So, he thinks that you're just joking around with him and he'll continue to go on with you, no matter how hard to try to tell him.



•He'd panic, accept, panic, accept, then just forget about it. Then remember it and start panicking again.



•She thinks you're a spy for someone. She doesn't know who exactly, but she views you as a spy.


The Porcelains/ The 'Bullies'🏫:

•They couldn't sit still enough for you to tell them.

The Hunter🔫:

•BAM! Jk, He'd keep you in a cage in the basement though. Just for safety measures.


The Thinman🕰️:

•So, you're now trapped in the tower and he's trying his best to send you back to the world you came from.


The Janitor🧹:

•He can't even see you, so he's not as scared. Though, he is worried for his safety.


Word Count: 184

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