Types of People they are on Thanksgiving

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•She's that one person who'll watch everyone make the food so that she knows when they're done and she can immediately get the first servings.



•The cousin everyone is hoping to be there.



•He's that one kid who's in your room and going through all your sh!t.



•She has literally all of the drama and probably the most eventful life.


The Porcelains/ The 'Bullies'🏫:

•They're always outside and the adults try to keep them out there.

The Hunter🔫:

•Either watching football or in a food coma.


The Thinman🕰️:

•That one person that comes up to you like "You've grown so much, you're so big now" even though you have literally no memory of this man.


The Janitor🧹:

•He's the sweet uncle that'll try to sneak you some food early.


Happy Thanksgiving!

Word count: 124

Little Nightmare headcanons and Scenarios(Including Y/n)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora