If they met you from the future

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•She would still think you look the same. Just a lot taller than before. She would probably ask future you to pick her up in your hands and walk around.



•He would be the most excited that you've ever seen. He would ask future you so many questions that you'd probably have to record, slow down the recording, and you still can't keep track of the questions! It'd be one of the most adorable experiences with Mono ever!



•He would not know how or what to feel. At first, it'd be pretty awkward, but then he'd be fine with your future self staying with him. 



•She does not trust your future self. As much as your future self would try to convince her, she doesn't believe you. So, whenever you'd walk with her places, she'd start getting defensive with you. But, she'd still protect you.


The Porcelains/ The 'Bullies':

•You tower over them, so, of course, they're excited. They'd ask you to pick them up and put them on the lights, some would climb onto you, and others would ask you to distract the teacher when you could. But, they really enjoy having future you around.


Alright, the reason I didn't add the adults is that they've already seen future you. I know it makes no sense, but they've already seen you in the future. But, I hope you liked this chapter!

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