If You Were A Goddess or An Angel

642 14 6

Requested by:BlueBellMoonBell



•She wouldn't necessarily understand the concept of you being an angel, but whenever you explain it to her and she understands, she'll probably be a bit more interested in learning more about you.



•He will ask you every single question to ever exist. When you show him your wings and whatever else you can do, there will be literal stars in this boy's eyes!



•He would kindly ask you to make sure the Grim Reaper doesn't come for him in his sleep and for you to protect him.



•She honestly doesn't care. She'll ask a few questions, yes, but then she'll leave it alone after that. Well, she'll leave it alone until she needs you to do something.


The Porcelains/ The 'Bullies'🏫:

•You'd have to actually make a certain hour dedicated to where they can feel your wings and everything you can do. Like, powers and everything. This will probably be the one and only time they actually read a book to find out what you are.

The Hunter🔫:

•He may or may not have tried to kill and stuff you when he first saw you. Yes, he shot at you.


The Thinman🕰️:

•He kept you in the tower with him and he still studies you to this day. He won't stop until he completely understands what you are.


The Janitor🧹:

•He'll occasionally ask to touch your wings. And when he does, he'll always describe it the same way, soft and delicate, with a cheery tone.


The Lady🎭:

•She'll find you beautiful and majestic. When you first show her your wings, she'll admire them and ask to touch them. And when she does, it's like you could sense her smile under her mask :D.


Word Count: 274

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