🔥If you went into a Coma~

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So someone commented this on another story, but I don't remember which one. But I asked them if I could do this idea and they said I could so yeah! Here you go!




.....This poor baby-

So let's say you fell into a coma while you guys were cuddling, alright? Then she wakes up one day confused, since you usually wake up first. Well she picked you up on her back and took you with her. On the 4th day, she decided to 'wake' you up. She lies you down, "(Y/N). Get up."

You don't move.

-" (Y/N)! Get up!" She's shaking you at this point, but you still don't budge.

She shakes you a few more times....Still nothing.....

She starts getting a lot more worried than before, "(Y/N) I'm Serious...." Her voice now cracking as she speaks. And again......You don't budge.

She then picks you up again, Lays your head in her lap, and starts stroking your hair. She's also shedding a few tears, She didn't want to have to let you go too.

"......I......I can wait...."



I'm going to prison for putting babies in pain-

Anyways, Same beginning as last one, except what happened was while you two were in the school, One of the traps had hit you VERY hard in the head. So, Mono wakes up, "Morning Bubbs!"(Once again I am sorry for your hearts-)

He looked at your sleeping figure and titled his head a little, "Okay.....Odd...." he then picks you up and you guys are on your way!

After a day or two, You still were still asleep. So on the second day, Mono wanted to try and wake you up. "Darling! C'mon, Wake up!"

You didn't move, You're still there sleeping.

-" U-Uhm.....(Y-Y/N)...." He starts poking your face(Someone's gonna say it.) His bright, heart warming smile faded as you didn't respond.

He was really scared and confused until it clicked! He remembered you getting hit by the trap....Now you're not waking up.....He couldn't believe it...He took off his bag, tears started rolling down his (FACE) cheecks.

-"*Whispers*.....no.....n-no!*Voice starts raising* Please No!" He yells. He hugs your sleeping state and crys into your shoulder. He couldn't believe that you were gonna be asleep for god knows how long! His crying died down a bit. He then places a kiss on your cheeck(FACE CHEECK!)


So let's say it's been a year or two now. Mono went to get food, He came back with the food. He then places it in front of you, still in your sleeping state. He's still waiting for you to wake up and hug him! He missed having you run around, being a handful, Funny, everything.

".....C-Can you w-wake up now....?"


Seven(Runaway kid):

......*Crys Mentally*

(Also we're making new routes!)

You and Seven were running away from the chefs, you guys made it safely to those hook things, so you and Seven were on those, But then....You loose grip of the hook. You fall, grab onto a pipe, but lose your grip again. You fall onto the floor board thing, but it didn't break.

You hit your head real hard on that thing, so you blacked out. Seven noticed and Jumped down to the floor board. The board broke when Seven got on it(Nothing against Seven, I promise ~w~). Everything went black for him too.

He woke up a while later, in what looks like a dump with only black trash bags. He then looks at you, lying down beside him.

-" Phew! I'm glad you're okay (Y/N)!" He says. No response....

He then looks at you with a confused look," Uhm.....(Y/N)...." He tries shaking you to wake you up. But you don't respond still.

He then picks you up, Puts you on his back, and you two are on your way.

After a few days of carrying you places, he noticed that you didn't once open your eyes. You were still breathing, but eyes never opened. He then placed you down and started shaking you," (Y/N)! Hello? Get up!"

You didn't move. He then keeps calling out your name, but you still don't move. It then clicks to him.

He felt like he was gonna cry, the gnomes come over and try poking you to wake up. Nothing.

Seven didn't know what to do. He knows that you're in a coma....He just confused on what to do.

He picks you up bridal style and takes you out that room, he takes you to another, more safer room. He then lays you down on some cloth he found.

He lies down next to you. He grabs your hand and intertwines your fingers with his.

-"......I-It's okay......You'll wake up soon....R-right...?"


The Bullies:

So it was requested to add in the bullies so here you go! Also just know that you're a normal kid. You're the same height as the bullies, You have the same uniforms, you're just a human. You can continue reading now.

I'm very sorry my people-

So you and the bullies were planning on pranking the teacher. The plan was that you were were going to be on one of the ceiling lights, and you were going to jump on the teacher's head when she passes by.

{Time skip}

The bullies helped you up on the light. Once you were close enough to the light, you climbed onto it. You were sitting there on the light while the others were hiding, you were scared that you may miss the teachers head.

But you wanted to do this because she gave you a LOTTA LOTTA homework that week.

{20 minutes Timeskip}

You see the teacher walking down the hallway. 'Now's the time' You prop yourself to jump onto her head. Once she was under the light....You jumped down.

But she then she turned back around as soon as you jumped.....Nothing you could do now but fall, you hit the floor and everything went black.

The others came rushing out of their hiding spots to come check to see if you were alright. One of them takes you to your personal room that you were assigned. They all lay their stuffed animals next you, and leave the room.

{3 month Timeskip}

Ever since you fell into a coma, they  started to be a lot more kinder then 3 months ago, they would come to your room and talk to your sleeping figure. They would also make you stuff and leave it somewhere in your room so you could find it when you woke up. They really missed you, you were everyone's favorite. The teacher's, The doctor's, The hunter's, Thin man's, The lady's, and so on's favorite.

".....U-Uhm....Here you go.....Can't wait to play tag again (Y/N)......"


I may have broken my own heart writing these terrible headcanons. Anyways hope you guys liked these! Any requests leave them in the comments and I may do them! Bye! May update later :3

Word count: 1200

Little Nightmare headcanons and Scenarios(Including Y/n)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz