If reader/you were innocent

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In this chapter, for innocent, you have no clue what's going on with the world in this dimension, you don't swear, you're an innocent child pretty much. Anyways, enjoy! 

Requested by: I don't know



•She would try to hide away what's going on in the world from you for a few weeks, after figuring out that you didn't know.

-But then she'd end up telling you whenever she thinks you're ready to hear.



•He's protecting your innocence for as long as he can. He won't tell you a thing, he'll try to make it more positive than it's suppose to be. He'll make sure that you have the best childhood you do, even though he's suffering knowing everything that's going on.


Seven/ Runaway kid:

•He'd accidently somehow tell you partly of what's going on in the world at that moment. He'd then say that he was joking around with you, and that he didn't really mean it.

-He'd then use what's going on in the world as a story to prove to you that he's 'lying' :)


Veronica/ GITYR/ Raincoat Girl:

•She'd straight up tell you. But then feel bad whenever you start crying.


The porcelains/ The 'bullies':

•They'd all teach you in the most less violent way about what's going on. They'd try to stop themselves from saying to much.


The Hunter:

•He doesn't know what's going on either.


The Thinman:

•He'd have to tell you at some point, but he waits a few years before saying anything about it. He'd wait until you were mature enough to know what is happening with the world.


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