bliss ◎ Part 1

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" so this is what 11 years of friendship leads up to yeah? "

I exhale the remaining smoke from my lungs as I speak.

"I mean I guess, but doesn't it ever bug you that we dont have much of a social life out of school? I mean come on Steph lets be real,"

"oh my dearest lissa what could you ever be talking about,"

I place my hand over my heart dramatically proving in even a serious moment i can still be a sarcastic asshole, which causes her to smile. she takes another puff off of the cigarette and looks to the stars. she's right. we're 16 and all we do is schoolwork. we hardly have enough time for each other. we sit in the silence in the presence of the starry night above our small town, I cant help but wish on a shooting star that maybe, just maybe, we wouldn't feel obliged to be adults just yet. we continue to chain smoke for the next half an hour, feeling as if every problem we have is drifting away with the smoke we exhale. pure silence. pure bliss.

"...why do I feel so alone,"

I think out loud. without removing her gaze from the night sky and in a hushed tone she says as transparent as can be,

" you feel alone because you feel unloved. we have each other, but we have nobody else."

her words hit me like stone, only being 16 makes it seem as if we haven't been through much, but when you have our lives, its a different story. covered head to toe in self mutilation scars you feel almost untouchable to the current events happening around you. I put out my last cigarette of the night as does lissa, as we listen to the faint music float from my phone. standing up, I hear a faint flute in the distance. Lissa looks at me concerned,

"what the hell is your problem?"

" shut up for a goddamn second. "

I spit with worrisome laced in my voice. Lissa rolls her eyes at my response not knowing why I'm being so blunt. she must not be able to hear it. with a disquieting feeling in my stomach I grab the comforter we were laying on moments ago and dash to the door, wanting to be away from the eerie noise. locking the door behind us, I become more intrigued with the vexing melody I had just heard. going to sleep as if the incident never occurred to me, I wake up to the sun shining through my window. checking my phone for the time, I notice its two in the afternoon. I had overslept once again. rolling over expecting a groggy Lissa to say good morning, I'm only welcomed by a note where she should lay.

" dad called me home early, I have a Biology final in a couple days and I have to pass. I'll see you Friday best friend.

- lissa "

the day goes on without anything worth mentioning. although, remembering last night, the menacing sounding flute comes to mind. examining every inch of my backyard I look for a sign of anybody else have being been in the yard with us last night. and to my surprise, there is absolutely nothing to be discovered. not a footprint, not a twig broken, not a damn leaf out of place! night falls slowly and surely and I have decided to sit on the deck and see if the noise returns, and to no surprise, around one in the morning, I hear the flute. its not as far away this time and I begin to hear it come closer. feeling unsafe I step inside and make a note in my phone, writing every detail that I heard and exactly what I did. I will find out where and who this mysterious noise is coming from.


Hey there!! First of all, thank you for deciding to clink on my little ol' story! c: as of now please please please work with me on this, its my first story so please dont kill me. IT WILL GET MORE INTERESTING I PROMISE. much love.


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