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They group head to the hut which looked familiar to me. We all got off of horses hades and river help Cornelius walk to the hut. While scar walks behind them. While viola goes to corneilius and he picks her up.

Taylor looks around at the land thinking she could have been here before but couldn't remember

"You all right?" Corneilius asked her.

"Feel like I've been here before." She goes up to the hut was about to knock on the door until it opened.

Behind the door revealed a woman with white hair and eyes like Taylor's but the woman's was blue. She was wearing raggedy cloths.

The two stared at each other with shocked looks on their faces like they have seen each other before.

The woman slowly walks up to Taylor to have a closer look before smiling. "Taylor!" she spoke.

Taylor looked at her in shock "mom?!"Then they grabbed each other and started hugging tightly as they cry.Once they let go they turned to the apes who looked confused. "She's my mom"

Caesar smiles at the fact that his mate is reunited with her mother.

Taylor's mother walks up to Cornelius who was injured "bring him inside" she said as they all enter. Hades and River gently placed Cornelius on a couch for him to lay down in as Taylor's mother grabs herbs to use for his wounds and tools to take out the bullet.Once she was done she stitched him up and patted his shoulder as he falls asleep. Then gets up to see the others standing there "he needs to rest for it to heal. He will be fine As long as he doesn't move around much" she looks at Taylor and takes her hand "best to catch up on what happened"

Taylor nods. "Agreed."

Taylor and Her mother heads to the porch and sits outside. Caesar stays inside the house with his ape groups to watch over his father with his sister holding his hand.

"Is father gonna be all right?" Viola signs.

Caesar nods "He's just resting." He looks to his friend "watch over voila for a sec" he Signs as they take her leaving him and his father alone. While he looks around to see more pictures of Taylor and her family this time ones he's never seen.

What caught his eye was a picture of his mate Taylor holding a baby chimpanzee while giving it milk in a bottle.

Outside Taylor's mom tells her what has happened about the virus and how many people got sick and apes start getting smarter. And the fact she still helps apes by being their healer.

"So all this time you stayed here where you believe is safe from danger?" Taylor aked.

"Safe from anything" her mother said "and I help ape's because they deserve all the help they could get"

"You're a veterinarian of course you would." Taylor chuckled before frowning "you know, it felt like I have only been gone for a week up in space. Yet time is different. Don't know what to expect".

"I see you have been spending time with apes" her mom "including that one" they look from the window seeing Caesar looking at a picture frame.

"That's Caesar." Taylor said leaning forward "he's the grandson of the smartest ape and he's named after."

Her mother looks at her "how close are you two?"

"Very close. He's not like any ape we knew. He's different. He's kind...strong....smart,...."

"And you love him don't you?"

Taylor looks at her mother shyly "I know you might think it's weird"

"Honestly I've seen done weird things. But as long as you're happy I'm happy. I will speak to him in the mornings. You get some rest"

Taylor nod before getting up to go back inside as she sees Caesar putting down a picture before looking at her.

"Come with me" Taylor holds out her hand as Caesar grabs it and leads her to a spare room. "We used to come here during the summer to spend some time in nature this was my room."

"It is nice like your other room in the city" Caesar said looking around.

Taylor locks the door behind her ms goes to the bed and lays down patting it as Caesar lays beside her.

"I told my mom about you" she spoke making Caesar nervous not sure how her mother feels about him. "She'll talk to you in the morning"

"Do you... think she like me?"

"She loves apes she was ape doctor in zoo. But I think she does" Taylor leans to peck Caesar's lips before putting her head on his chest while he wraps his arm around her. As they both fell asleep.

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