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In the morning everyone gets ready to go while. Caesar and Taylor was still in her room as he watched her get dressed until she got them all on.

She turns to face him with a smile on her face "what?" She asked.

Caesar shrugs "i like looking at you" he gets up and hugged her as she hugs back. "Now that we're mates."

Taylor realized something that popped in her head "what you the other apes say if they found out,and your father?" She asked in concern.

"I'll tell them when we get back. I'm sure my father will understand" he said calmly "trust me"

Taylor nods as they both lean for a kiss when it was interrupted by a hard bang on the door.

"Hurry up we must go!" They heard scar say behind the door.

"We should go" Taylor gives Caesar a peck before getting out of her bedroom.  As Caesar follows her.

River and hades we're standing I don't of them hooting as a tease knowing what happens last night.

"Look who looks like he's in a good mood today!" River signs tease.

"You beast" hades signs playfully.

Caesar clears his throat as Taylor chuckles "I'm gonna go get some stuff" she said before leaving.

"How'd it go?" Hades signs.

"What?" Caesar signs playing dumb.

"Don't play dumb with us we know what happened. What you did with our human companion." River signs.

"What's it like?"hades asked.

Caesar shrugs "pretty much the same way as apes do it, but differently. And...I learned she has hair in many places. You just can't see it.

The two hoot quietly as a tease. Causing Caesar to playfully hit his two best friends.

He's just glad they approve of his new relationship with a human.

Path of the planet of the apesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora