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At dawn Caesar walks up to check on T.J. When he didn't notice her walking out of her room causing them to bump to each other.

"Sorry." They both said "I was gonna-you go first" they chuckled.

"You go first" she said.

"Where we're you going?"he asked her.

"I was just gonna watch the sun rise from here" she said.

Caesar gave it some thought and it popped up. "I can show you a better place to watch the sunset"

She looked at him "where?"

"Trees" he points at the trees.

"Trees?" She exclaims "I mean I can climb but I can't climb trees like you do"

"You won't have to I carry you" he said putting his hand out "do you trust me?"

T.J. Was little hesitant but she knew should always trust people she cares about "yes" she said grabbing his hand as he pulls her to one of the trees which was big and T.J looks at it in shock "look I understand apes can climb anything but I don't think I could hold on to you much longer"

"You will be fine, I won't let you go" he said.


"I promise" Caesar crouched down a bit to let her on his back "don't be afraid"

"I'm not afraid" she assured him before he started climbing so fast that she noticed how high he was "now I'm
Afraid" she said in fear.

"Do not look down" he said as he jumped from tree to tree making T.J. Nervous.

He kept on climbing until he reached the top.he looks at T.J. Who was holding on to him tightly. He grabs her hand and gently pulls her off him and put one arm around her while holding a tree with the other.

T.J. Snakes one one behind Caesar while the other was touching his hand worrying she might fall.

"Really high up" she said.

"Look at sun" he said softly.

She nods as she faces where the sun is rising at the view that looks like she's seeing the world.

She gasped in amazement as she kept on watching. Caesar stared at here as the light shines in her skin.

He doesn't know why but to him she's the most beautiful human he's ever seen. He cares about her as much as she cares about him. He knew the one problem is she's human. He doesn't know how she would love an ape like him.

"Caesar" she said turning to face him. "Thank you for this" she leans to kiss him on the cheek which shocked him but he smiles as she smiles back.

Little did they know is that scar was watching them from couple trees behind them in disgust at the sight he was seeing before he jumps from tree to tree back to his hut as he takes out a knife and looks at it for a second. He thought about using it when the time is right on the human companion of the son of his leader.

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