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As Ceasar and Taylor ran back to the village to confront Max about is secret time travel he plans they find him sitting in his hut with violet standing In Front of him with a gun pointed to her head.

Violet was scared on what max was gonna do to her. Ceasar on the other hand was furious to see his sisters being max's hostage.

"Take one step closer, I'll pull the trigger" max threatened them.

"Max. Why?" Taylor asked in concern on the person she trusted.

"I just want to go home" he said still holding her.

"This is home. This is our planet. This is our future" Taylor shouts. "We can't change it"

"We can. I'm gonna change it. Aldo made a deal that if I did this he and his tribe of ape would help me find my way back home to our old time."

"Aldo manipulates people to get what he wants" Caesar spoke."Besides apes can't even build"

"They learn" max said.

"What did you do?" Taylor asked furiously.

"Let's just say... what was the expression again? Oh yes! Monkey see monkey do."

"Max let the girl go and we'll talk this out she had nothing to do with it."

"You're too trustworthy and kind to these animals. And you're screwing one too" he said scrunching his face in disgust. "We came on this mission to test to see what our future would be like And now what we have seen what the future of this world is. I made a plan to travel back home once the machine is done I'll travel back home and destroy the lab that started all this mess. And as for Aldo he can have the village and your ape friends will die and so will you"

Taylor gave it a lot of thought when something popped in her head "sevens didn't die in the accident. You killed her didn't you?".

"Seven always hated me. She never trusted me. And called me a mad man. It wasn't hard to get rid of some of that air in her honker. I was gonna do you next but I decided to let the water yo do it for me. But your furry hero botched it."

Taylor shook her head "what did I do to deserve this?"

"Everything, you got everything you wanted since you signed up for nasa what I wanted they gave you. I was there longer than you were. Now you will know what it would feel when things you have get taken away." They they hear aggressive hoots from a distance " they're here.Now turn both of you"

Both Caesar and Taylor turns around as they walk forward with max bhehind them pointing his gun with one hand while holding violet with the other.

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