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The group continued on their journey day and night when they come across a field of purple flowers.

Caesar look at the flowers while riding a horse and decide to pick one and give it to T.J. As she smiles and sniffs it before accepting his offer.

"These are actually my favourite flowers" she chuckles.

Caesar hoots softly knowing that he's learned something new about her.

Little did the group know that they were being watched by a group of apes from a different tribe.

Those apes went to their home to give  word on what is happening.

One ape that's a gorilla goes to Aldo and tells them that four apes and s human are on their way.

"Good" he signs "she would be surprised on where our location is" then he goes to the dungeon to meet the male astronaut "your friend is coming." He said.

"What would you do?" He asked.

"Kill" he said.

The man was getting scared "Please, don't I'll do anything you want"

Aldo smirks "anything?"


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