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The three apes came back home with an unconscious human on rivers back. Cesar II knew what would happen for bringing a human into the village. But, it was the only way the save the humans life.

All the apes started making sounds which caused Caesar's fathers attention and walked to his son.

"Father" Caesar sighed "this human came with the fallen star from the sky. We need assistance"

Cornelius didn't say anything but signalled apes to come retrieve the human from rivers back and carried them away to the hut where Caesar follows.

Then after a while one of the apes walks to Cesar,Cornelius, river, hades.

"Well?" Cornelius asked.

"The human has a scar but not life threatening she should make a recovery in the morning" the nurse ape sighed.

"She?!" River signs.

"Yes, the human is female"

Cesar looks at his father as he walks away and Caesar follows.


"Once she recovers she leaves" Cornelius signs.

"But, she will die out there!" Caesar exclaimed.

"She's neither friend or foe she will manage"

Caesar steps in front of his father "I saved her life. We may not know her, but we can get her to trust us. Please father"

Cornelius sighs "all right she will stay a while but if she does anything harmful to any ape she goes" he walks away from Caesar as his two best friends walks up to him.

"What did he say?" Hades signed.

"She can stay" Caesar spoke clearly.

"She's luky" river signs "but, how did she fall out of the sky what was she doing?"

Cesar gave it some thought of how the female human came out of the sky. He's curious about her well being.

"I'm gonna check on her" he spoke clearly as he heads to the hut and sees the female lying down unconscious. Cesar couldn't help but puzzle her. He's never seen anyone like her in his life.

He noticed the female human was waking up he scorched closer to see her blinking her eyes before looking at Cesar II.

She jolts back fast her back hits the wall "ow" she groans while holding her stomach.

"Easy" he said calmly "your... injured" he pointed at her stomach. Caesar finds food and water sitting ther and decided to give some to her. The female groans while trying to reach for the food and takes it from Cesar and eats it. While looking at Caesar no sure how she was supposed to react.

"Where am I?" She finally spoke.

Cesar was surprised to hear her talk knowing no human had talked in years "My home" he answered "I found you floating on a boat in the water and you were bleeding."

"Thank you" she said politely.

"What is your name" he asked curiously.

"T.J. Call me T.J." Cesar II looked confused on the name especially for her.

"I'm Caesar" he introduced himself.

T.J. Extends her hand in front of Caesar. He just looks at her hand in confusion.

"You shake it" T.J. Said.


"I... I don't know. People do it when they meet each other."

Caesar II  reached for her hand and shook it. Her hands were smaller than his.

He looks at he and she looks at him for a long period until they turned to see an ape a male chimpanzee with scars all over him some big and some small.

"What is it scar?" Caesar signs.

"Your father is putting up a council for your human friend." An ape called scar said throwing ropes at Caesar to tie her hands.

Something was gonna happen.

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