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Caesar was watching his father signing that they have to be prepared for war that aldo plans to start. And to protect their home.

He goes to finds his sister violet is. When he got to the hut he stops to see Taylor with his little sister. Didn't say

"Are you all right viola?" Taylor asked the little chimp.

"I.. am scared" viola said clearly."What will... happen to us?"

Taylor gave it some thought before grabbing violas hands "nothing will happen to us" she said softly "I promise I won't let anything happen to you, or your brother or anyone. And It's normal to get scared. I get scared sometimes." Taylor said. "Even though you see me as a strong, intelligent fierce person there are times I have been afraid of many things I can't remember. But sometimes it takes a little courage to get rid of your fears" Taylor takes off a necklace off her neck and puts it on violet. "Here, it's a gift."

"What is it?"

"It's my necklace my mother gave me when I was a child. It's been passed on from her mother and her mother before. And now I'm giving to you."

Viola smiles at Taylor "thank you" she hugs taylor. "My brother.. has chosen a good mate"

Taylor hugs her back before looking at the door noticing Caesar was standing there smiling at what her.

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