Jungle Roots

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(Y/n)'s pov

I was on top of a branch next to DK, who is still trying to hide her body even though I've been by her side, next to Toadette, who is now wearing palm leaf bra and skirt, Dixie, and Tiny, for a few days now.

Tiny was looking at her phone looking up who knows what. Dixie was hanging upside down bored. And Toadette was grippring onto me for dear life because of how high we are.

(Y/n): You know DK, you don't have to hide your body. It's just us 5.

Dk: B-but I'm covered in fur! A-and I'm told I'm a brute!

(Y/n): So. Tiny and Dixie are here and there not hiding anything.

Tiny: I mean we are wearing clothes.

Dixie: You're not helping. And He's right, the only people that actually care are here.

Dk still kinda stared at me, and tried her best to get more leaves to cover her body.

Dixie: Tiny, what are you doing? *whispers* Are you making more fanfics of you and-

Tiny: No!

Tiny: I mean no.... I was just reading-

Dixie was about to say something but Tiny shut her up.

Tiny: I've been reading the news.

(Y/n): Which are?

Tiny: Well here are a few headlines, '9 Days Since Traitor has left the Mushroom Kingdom. Pilot and Co-Pilot never came back'. 'Many Wives Have Reported Their Husband Went Missing, Now Pressumed Dead Due To Unknown Circumstances'.....

Dixie: Huh, wonder what might've happened there.

Tiny: I don't know. But I'll keep reading some headlines. 'Weird Rogue Female Toad Raped By Traitor But Never Called For Help. Was Banished With Traitor on Same Plane.'

Toadette: B-but that prince Raped me!

Dixie: Hey, what's this? 'Proffesor Elvin Gadd Has Revealed Dimentional Portal To Public, Confirmed By Prince He will make an Android/Cyborg Water Jet Pack'

(Y/n): Oh yeah, I remember him! He built Maria and I cool stuff. Though he did say there was more to him in some way. Any more?

Tiny: Yep, last one. 'Prince Peach Has Incarcerated A Doupleganger of The Beloved Heroine. Was Confirmed to Be The Cause Of Missing Guards. Shown To Have An Unnatural Aura And Praising Traitor Like He Is Her Only Life Line. Has Only Been Seen In the Traitors Green Shirt, Untouched Blood and Grime'.

Dixie: Poor girl.... Though, yeesh, she sounds like she screams crazy, broken, yandere.

(Y/n): Well she's in a dungeon with 'our great Prince' for who knows how long.

Dk: I-I-I just hope I d-don't have to meet him.

Timy: And by the looks of thing your sister too, (y/n). But it also says that she will be sent back to the dimension she came from.

Dixie: Do you think there is another (y/n) there.

I just shrug. Though how will that work in my senario. A few more minutes have passed and Toadette pointed out something.

Toadette: I-I-I t-t-think I s-s-see some one down there.

I looked down to see the kremlings carrying a large crate.

(Y/n)'s pov

I was on top of a branch next to DK, who is still trying to hide her body even though I've been by her side, next to Toadette, who is now wearing palm leaf bra and skirt, Dixie, and Tiny, for a few days now.

(Y/n)'s mushroom kingdom adventureWhere stories live. Discover now