The First Adventure

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(Y/n) pov

I had just woken up. Maria's bed is empty.

(Y/n): She must have left pretty early.

Her bed was a bit ruined. But isn't everyone's when they wake up.

She must be with the prince. I have a feeling that he likes her. But Maria says she rather spend time with me.

I went to the kitchen to get something to eat. When I went there I found a note.

"Bet you can't find me this time"
- M

(Y/n): Again? Come on.

Thing is that she aged two more years than I did. Thats how our world works i guess.

I back towards our room to get changed. I opened our closet.

(Y/n): I feel like we need to change how much overalls and red and green shirts we have because that is just what we wear.

I got changed, found my green hat with my initial on it and went to find Maria.

(Y/n): Come on Maria, we used to play this when we were kids. Your two years older than me yet we still can't our age for once in our lives.

I looked everywhere for her. I was standing near the warp pipe that takes us to toad town.

(Y/n): Damn it Maria where are you.

Out of nowhere I was hugged from the pipe. I turn around to see...

Maria: Gotcha!

Maria had hugged me from the pipe. But what she may or may not realize is that my head was between her breast.

(Y/n): *blushes* U-u-um M-m-maria.

Maria: Hmm.

She realizes what she had done and let's go of me.

Maria slightly blushes

Maria: Sorry.

(Y/n): It's ok. At least you didn't hug tackle me like when we were kids.

Maria: Yeah, I think I still have that bump when our heads collided on the ground.

Maria: Anyways. Can you help me out of the pipe.

(Y/n): Sure!

Maria was a bit heavy. But i doubt it was because she's fat. She is a bit skinnier than me.

Maria: Sooo ... whats for breakfast.

(Y/n): Does pancakes sound good.

Maria: Yes!

(Y/n): Ok. First one there doesn't have to make them.

Maria: Your on!

(Y/n) and Maria: 321 GO!

Time skip

Maria: How is it that we always tie.

(Y/n): I don't know. But anyways help me with pancakes so we can eat.

Maria: Alright. I'm gonna put on the tv so we can watch and eat.

(Y/n): Ok.

We have been living alone for most of our lives now.

Our parents decided that we weren't worth the trouble so we had been staying with the prince since we were babies. We moved out after Maria found the house we're living in right now.

News toad: And thats why Poochy ain't stupid. Now for the weather.

Maria: Its amazing how long its been since we have been on that island.

(Y/n)'s mushroom kingdom adventureWhere stories live. Discover now