Jason Todd x dragon Rider reader (EPISODE 2)

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Thunder boomed as lightning crashed in the sky. "This storm is getting worse." You mumbled as Storm growled. "What's the matter bud?" You asked as his eyes softened as he looked at you. "What do ya say, we go and help the others." You said as you both flew and Storm shot a thunderbolt at one of the hunters ships. "Nice shooting bud." You said. You managed to defeat all the ships as the storm continued to get worse. "Guys there is no way we will make it back to the edge in this weather." Astrid said as she put her hand up to try and shield herself from the rain.

"Your right Astrid." Hiccup said as the dragons shook their heads. "We should go to that Island, find a cave somewhere." Fishlegs said. You all agreed as you all missed the way Seluther and Storm looked at each other.

Luckily, you all found a cave as you made a fire and Storm and Seluther cuddled up together. You smiled. They looked so cute. It kinda looked like they were dating. You shook that silly thought out of your head as you laid down next to Jason. Snotlout laid his head on Hookfangs snout before the dragon moved, making his head hit the floor. "Hookfang." The dragon just laughed as he laid back down and fell asleep. You closed your eyes as you drifted off to sleep to the sound of Jason's heart beat.

Storm opened his eyes as he looked around. Seluther nudged his head before nibbling on his neck. Storm purred softly as Seluther got up. The storm had died down by now, luckily.

He looked at him before looking at you. You and Jason were fast asleep. It should be ok for him to go out. You were safe with Jason and the others. Storm and Seluther flew up in the air as the night started to look clear and beautiful. They flew up in the clouds and into the starry night. Seluther looked at Storm dreamily as they landed and had a drink.

Their heads quickly snapped to the dragon trappers as Seluther growled and stood in front of Storm protectively. "Easy now." The hunter smirked as he grabbed Storm and put a dragon proof chain around his mouth. Seluther roared as he tried to get to his mate.

Seluther shot up in the sky before he was put into a cage along with a dragon proof chain around his mouth. Storm struggled the best he could as they took their saddles off and threw them to the floor. "We got ourselves feisty ones." Another laughed. "Yes. They will do nicely for the dragon fights." Another said.

Toothless shot up as he heard the bang. The other dragons did too as they saw that Storm and Seluther were gone. Hiccup shot awake along with all of you as you heard the dragons in distress. "What's the matter bud?" Hiccup asked as Toothless looked out of the cave and growled, bearing his teeth.

"Wait. Where's Storm and seluther?" Fishlegs asked. You started to panic as you ran out of the cave. "Storm." You called. "Seluther." Jason yelled. You felt tears in your eyes. Stormfly stopped as she sniffed the air. "What is it girl?" Astrid asked. "I think Stormfly is tracking something." Ruffnut said. "That it may my dear sister, that it may." Tuffnut said.

You growled as you glared at them. "Will you two just shut the fuck up. You're useless." You yelled. The twins gasped as they looked down. Your eyes softened as you sighed. "I'm sorry guys, I shouldn't have said that. I'm just worried about our dragons." You said. The twins smiled as they nodded. "That's ok Y/N/N. I mean we would be like this if Barth and Belch went missing." Tuffnut said as you gave a small smile.

Stormfly landed as your eyes widened. You quickly got off the nadder as you ran to the ripped saddles. "Where are they? Why did they rip off their saddles?" You asked as Jason hugged you. "Guys look." Fishlegs said as he picked up a dragon root arrow.

"Dragon hunters."


Storm growled as he shot lightning at the Monstrous Nightmare. He didn't want to do it. But this was the only way that he and Seluther were going to survive. The Monstrous Nightmare whimpered as Storm stopped and looked up into the crowd. He glared and growled as he let the Nightmare live.

Red Hood/Jason todd x male reader oneshotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz