Vampire Jason Todd x vampire Male reader

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Jason sighed softly as he pulled his hood up over his face and put his hands in his pocket. He felt his fangs rolling over his tongue. He looked up at the lights as he went into an alleyway before pulling out his grappling hook and he sat on the roof as he looked out into the city below. He began scrolling through Grindr but he didn't find anyone that either took his interests or they all just wanted a fuck and thats it.

He heard the balcony door open as he looked down and watched a boy walk out.

Jason watched as the boy took a vape and looked out into the city. "You alright Red Hood?" You asked as you turned around and smirked up at him. Jason felt entranced as he looked at your gorgeous Ruby red eyes. "Y-yeah i-im al-alright." He cursed himself for stuttering as he jumped down. "SO what were you doing on my roof?" The boy asked. "Just thinking. Sorry. That's just my spot ya know." He said as you smiled and nodded.

"Nah don't worry about it. I don't mind." You said as you took another puff of your vape. Jason looked at you and he noticed that when you opened your mouth you had fangs too. Jason's heart fluttered as he had found another vampire. He and his family weren't the only ones. "What?" You asked as Red Hood shook his head. "Sorry I couldn't help but notice your fangs." He said as you sighed and looked down.

"I'm a vampire." You mumbled as Jason's eyes lit up. "Hey don't worry, it's nothing to be ashamed of." He said as you looked at him with wide eyes. No one has ever said that to you before. You smiled softly as Jason decided to take his helmet off. You were amazed by how beautiful he looked. He was perfect.

You found yourself blushing madly as he looked down at you. As you both looked at each other both of your eyes flashed blue. "You're beautiful." He said as you nibbled your bottom lip. You both felt a pull towards one another as you both leaned in. You felt a spark as you melted into the kiss. Fireworks lit up the sky as you both smiled and hugged each other.

After all these years you have found your soulmate.

"Hey, you wanna go on a date tomorrow?" He asked as you smiled and nodded. "I'd love to." You said. "My name's Jason by the way. Jason Todd." He said as you smiled. "Y/N. Y/N L/N." He pulled you close to his body as he kissed you again.

You were waiting for Jason to pick you up as you kept on messing with your hair. "Y/N you look fine." Your roommate rolled his eyes as you huffed. "You sure?" You asked as he facepalmed. "Yes." He said but you didn't have time to argue as the doorbell went. You started to panic as you bit your bottom lip. Your fangs piercing the flesh and making it bleed.

You made your way to the door as you opened it. Jason was standing there and he had a bunch of roses in his hand. "I didn't know what color you liked so I got red, blue, purple, orange and pink." He chuckled nervously as you giggled. "I love them." You said as you gently took them from him and put them in a vase before you both headed out.

Neither of you wanted to go someplace fancy so you chose a diner and sat down near the window. You both ordered as you told the other about yourselves. "I'm so sorry Jason." You said as you put your hands in his. "It's alright. It was a long time ago." He said. You moved on to another topic as your food came.

You had such a good night with Jason and he made your heart flutter. Jason smiled at you as you walked down the street, hand in hand. Jason looked up as he groaned and rolled his eyes. "What?" You asked as you looked up into his blue eyes. "Nothing." He said softly as he was not going to let his family, who were following him, ruin this for you both.

He took you to a park as you smiled. You started feeding the ducks as one came paddling up to you. You hand fed it as you giggled. Jason smiled as he sat on the bench. You stood up and made your way over as you sat down next to him.

Red Hood/Jason todd x male reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now