Late Date

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You were getting ready for your date with Jason as you kept changing your outfit and looking at yourself in the mirror. "Maybe I should send a photo to Jay? See what he thinks." You mumbled. You snapped a photo and laid on your bed as you waited for him to reply.

It wasn't even a minute before Jason replied with ❤🥰😍🤤🥴😏😈🍆Sexy boyyyy.

You blushed madly as you nibbled your bottom lip. You had only been dating for 5 months and you wanted to take it slow. You were so thankful that Jason waited this long for you. You grabbed your phone and a condom before you blushed.

You then put it in your pocket as you made sure that your apartment door was locked. You then got in your car and drove off to the restaurant.

"HOOD." Sionis snarled as they both got into a scrap. Jason beat the crime lord to a blood pulp as Nightwing had to pull him off of the older man before he killed him. He yawned as he was sitting on a roof with his brothers. "Oh shit I'm late." Jason said as they looked at him. "What are you doing here then?" Damian asked as Jason looked at the three of them. "What?" He asked. "GO."

Jason jumped on his bike as he rode fast through the streets of Gotham. He drove past every red light as he rushed to get to you. "Shit, Shit come on Jason." He growled when his bike started to slow down before it came to a complete stop.

He looked at the fuel tank and saw that it was empty. He groaned as he ditched his bike and ran through alleyways. "Come on, I can make it." He said as he ran. His chest heaved as he ran and ran.

It took him about 30 minutes to get to the restaurant but he made it.

You sighed as you looked at your watch. Jason was 45 minutes late. "Maybe he forgot?" You mumbled as you felt tears in your eyes. You called the waitress over and just when you went to call it a night Red Hood burst through the door.

He looked at you before rushing through. "Sorry this is an emergency." He yelled as he ran. He made sure that he threw a flashbang as he used the smoke to hide before going into the bathroom and changing. He waited a couple of minutes before casually walking out of the bathroom and strolled towards you and sat down.

"I am so sorry." He panted as he grabbed your hand. "It's alright Jay. You're only 47 minutes late." You huffed as you crossed your arms over your chest. "I know and I really am sorry. Please forgive me baby boy." He pleaded as he held your hand. You smiled as you both ordered and he told you his crazy story of how he got here.

Time skip

After a very good date you and Jason got in your car and you began to drive. Jason was staring at you with love in his eyes as he put his hand on your thigh. You glanced at him as he slowly made his way down.

"Jason, I'm driving." You whispered as you blushed. He unbuckled his seatbelt before leaning over and kissing your neck. "Then pull over if you want to continue." He said as you blushed and pulled over. Jason smirked as he undid your jeans and you helped him take them off. "Get in the backseat." He ordered as you did as you were told.

You moaned as he began to eat your ass out and finger your hole open. You both moved as you started to do 69. After you were good and ready you grabbed the condom before you slowly sunk down. "Ahh fuck daddy." You moaned as Jason smirked.

You both began to fuck pretty hard making the car rock back and forth.

"Oh god I'm gonna cum." You both moaned as you squirted all over his chest and he came in the condom.

You both panted as he marked your neck. "How was our first time together?" He asked as you smiled and kissed him. "It was amazing." You smiled from ear to ear as you felt Jason's cum coming out of your hole and dripping down your thigh and onto the seats below.

Jason smirked as he moved his hand to pump your cock as you gasped. "What do ya say pretty boy? Round two?"

Red Hood/Jason todd x male reader oneshotsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum