Alpha Jason Todd x Pregnant Omega reader

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The whole Wayne family has noticed that Jason has been acting very weird. He was super nice and happy to everyone, even Damian. Which was not like him at all.

So one night while the family were patrolling Cass asked them if they have noticed Jason's strange behavior.

"Isn't that Jason?" They all rushed to where Tim was looking as they saw Jason shut his car door and then got into the passenger side.

"Maybe he's on a date?" Barbara said as they all looked at each other. The next thing they knew they were following Jason.

"Why is he at this apartment?" Damian asked as they all looked at each other. Bruce jumped down as the rest followed. He slowly and quietly opened the window as they all looked around.

Dick stopped as he saw his little brother in bed and cuddling a man? He sniffed the air and knew that you were an Omega.

They froze as they saw that you were both awake. Duke looked closer and saw that you and Jason were both wearing wedding rings.

Damian looked at Bruce as the pair noticed that you were pregnant. "Jay?" They all froze as they saw that you and Jason were still awake.

"Yeah?" Your husband asked as you turned around to look at him. "When are you going to tell your family about me?" You asked.

"I don't know baby. My family can be very er hectic." He said. The truth is he didn't want you to meet his family because they didn't know he was gay and he didn't know what they would think.

They already hated him, he didn't want to give them another reason to hate him.

"Jason?" You both jumped as Jason shot up and grabbed a gun.

He stopped as he relaxed seeing who it was. "What are you guys doing here?" He asked as you sat up and smiled.

Dick grinned as they all rushed over to speak to you. You started to panic as you got overwhelmed and Jason could see that being crowded by this many people you were gonna have a panic attack.

"Hey stop it. Give him some room to breath." Jason snapped as he shooed them away and sat on the bed as he pulled you into his lap.

"It's alright baby breath. You're alright." He said as he rubbed your stomach. You smiled as you began to calm down. "Sorry." Tim apologized. "It's alright." You said.

You began to happily chat with Jason's family and you couldn't be happier. Jason was so happy that his family loved and accepted him.

"I can't believe I'm gonna be an uncle."  Dick said happily as he cooed at your stomach. You chuckled as you leaned against Jason. "I can't wait to see my grandchild." Bruce said happily as Jason started laughing.

"What are you laughing at Todd?" Damian asked as Bruce felt tears in his eyes. "You're not gonna let us see him or her are you?" He asked as Jason stopped laughing.

"Grandchild? No." He said. "I'm confused." Tim and Duke said as you looked at Jason smiling. "Because we're not just having one but two." Jason said happily as they all smiled.

Bruce stood up as he hugged his son and his son in law. "You really are a beautiful Omega Y/n. How Todd managed to pull you is beyond me." Damian said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Jason smirked as he kissed you. "You jealous Demon?" He asked as Damian glared. A blush coating his cheeks.

You stood up as you went to the bathroom. You were washing your hands when you felt a pain in your stomach and water running down your thigh.

"Jason." You cried as you gripped the kitchen sink.

Time skip

Everyone huddled around seeing the happy cuddle and the beautiful children. "They are perfect." Dick said as Jason smiled.

"You did so well Y/n." Bruce said as Jason kissed you.

Jason watched with happiness as his whole family was there to witness the birth. After all these years. After dying and coming back to life destined for revenge, after all the sweat and tears he finally had the family he wanted.

He had the family he deserved.

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