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The day was boring and quiet as you had just finished cleaning the bar. You walked through the doors to the bathroom and stopped as the window opened and the Red Hood fell through and landed on the floor with a thud. You winced as you heard your husband groan. "Jason what happened?" You asked as you put the bucket and mop down and rushed to his side.

He took his helmet off and he laid his head on your shoulder. "Nothing. Just got chased by Robin and Nightwing." He said. You sighed as you helped him to his feet. "Come on. Let's head home." You said as Jason nodded.

Time skip

You were walking home when you heard people talking. "That wound needs patching up." Batman and the others jumped as they looked seeing a man. "Yeah we know." Robin said as he rolled his eyes. "Well i, er live just there and I." Your eyes widened as you realized what you did.

"Thanks civilian." Nightwing said as he helped Red Robin to his feet. "You're having second thoughts aren't you?" Robin scoffed as you fumbled with your door keys. "Well kinda because um." You didn't know what to say as Batman looked at you. "Are you hiding something bad?" He asked as you started to sweat. "No. He's not bad, he just doesn't like you guys or want you to know that we're married." You said as you rubbed the back of your neck.

They all looked at you confused as you finally managed to get the door unlocked. They followed you inside and put Red Robin on the couch as you rushed into the kitchen and grabbed the first aid kit. You started patching him up and you could feel Robin's hard gaze on you.

"So who is this woman you are talking about?" Robin asked as you looked at him. "Robin, that is enough." Batman snapped as you sighed. "It's a man and you know him pretty well." You mumbled.

Jason yawned as he woke up to you talking to someone. He quickly got up and grabbed his gun. He quietly made his way into the front room and stopped as he saw his family and you.

"Jason?" Dick asked as they all looked at each other. "You're married?" They all screeched.

You all sat down, mugs of hot chocolate in hands, as you all began to talk. "I still can't believe you kept this from us Jason." Dick said as he looked at the pair of you. "Yeah well it didn't really ever come up." He said as he shrugged. Bruce felt like Jason didn't need him anymore. The way that you two interact and the way you both treat each other.

And Bruce could tell that by the way you both acted you really loved each other. Jason wasn't the broken angry man he was when he was alone. He held love and adoration in his eyes, for you. Jason was happy, so Bruce was happy.

Red Hood/Jason todd x male reader oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora