Red Hood x male reader

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Jason yawned as he sat up and stretched. Last night was a very rough patrol. Luckily, you was fast asleep by the time he got home at 4 in the morning.

Time skip

You had just finished work when it started raining hard. You sighed as you got your phone out and phoned your boyfriend to see if he could pick you up.

It rang a few times before he picked up. "Hey baby what's up?" He asked and you went to say something but you paused as it sounded like a man was gagged and asking to be let go?

"Er well it's kinda raining very hard and well do you think you could pick me up?" You asked. Jason growled and it sound like he punched something or someone.

"Sorry baby I'm gonna have to call you back. I'm a little busy right now but I'll pick you up soon." He said and hung up.

You sighed as you turned your phone of and waited for Jason to show.

3 hours later.

You growled as you waited for your boyfriend to show. He always blows you off to do whatever he does. Probably cheating or doing drugs or something. Your eyes widened as the thoughts that crossed your mind.

You ended up walking home in the pouring rain as you slammed the front door shut.

"Ow fuck come on." You gritted your teeth as you walked into the bedroom and you gasped. Jason was on the bed, his suit ripped and he had a massive claw mark going across his chest and he was struggling to stitch it.

"Jason?" You asked. Your boyfriends eyes widened as he looked at you. "Baby. It's not want it looks like." He said. "Your the Red Hood." You said as you squealed in delight. "That's so cool. Omg that's so hot and wow." You said as all the emotions and thoughts that you and about your boyfriend washed away.

He blushed as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Hey er babe?" You looked at him. "Yeah?" You asked. "Kinda bleeding out over here." He said as you looked at him sheepishly.

"Oh yeah right. Let me help you with that." You said as you walked over to him and began to stitch you up.

You snuggled close to your boyfriend as he smiled and pulled you close to him. "I love you Jaybird." You mumbled as you yawned.

Jason kissed you softly. "I love you too Y/n." He said as you both drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.

Red Hood/Jason todd x male reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now