Jason Todd x college male reader

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Here you go Butterflymed ❤ thanks for the request


You smiled brightly as you were so happy for it to be spring break. You missed your boyfriend so much and you haven't seen him for 6 months. "Someone's happy." Your roommate, Jake, chuckled as you grinned.

"Of course I'm happy. We have spring break and I get to see my boyfriend after 6 months." You said as Jake laughed.

You playfully rolled your eyes as you grabbed your car keys. You locked up before heading out. Jason didn't know that you were on spring break now. He thought that you had another 2 months to go but you wanted to surprise him.

You past the welcome to Gotham sign and you were so excited. You drove into a very familiar street as you parked.

You made your way to your apartment you shared with Jason before quietly opening the door. You looked around but there was no sign of Jason anywhere.

You frowned as you made your way to the bedroom. You opened the door and the sight you saw broke your heart.

You slowly made your way over to your boyfriend and crouched down. "Jaybird." You said softly making the older man jump. He looked at you and quickly blinked, not processing that you were really here.

He put his arm out and touched your cheek. "Y/n?" You smiled as you put your hand on his. "Yeah Jay it is really me." You said.

He shot up and hugged you tightly as he buried his face in your neck. You gave a small and sad smile as you hugged him back.

"I missed you so fucking much. I thought you left me after the nightmare I had. I, please don't leave me again baby boy." He said as you rubbed his back. "Jason I love you to. It's only gonna be for a couple of months after spring break and I'll be here full time." You said.

Jason looked at you as more tears kept on streaming down his face. "I missed you to Jason." You said as he smiled and kissed you softly.

"Come on. It's late." You said as you both got ready for bed.

Jason was curled up with you as he laid his head on your chest as you wrapped your arms around him. "Don't worry Jaybird. I am never gonna leave you. I promise." You whispered as you heard quite snores.

Jason could finally rest knowing you were not gonna leave him. You both loved each other and that was all that Jason needed.

Red Hood/Jason todd x male reader oneshotsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum