Sub Jason x Top male reader

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You groaned as you had a banging headache. The light blinding your eyes as you felt a weight on your chest. You looked down and saw a random boy sleeping peacefully. He looked so small compared to you. You found yourself smiling softly as your ran your hand through his fluffy raven hair. Jason sighed softly as he snuggled closer to your chest.

His eyes fluttered open as he looked up at you with wide eyes. You looked at his panicking face. "I can't believe that happened last night." He said as he covered his face with his hands. You never really talked or noticed the boy, until 4 days ago when you started catching feelings for him.

4 days before

Jason was quietly reading a book, sitting on a bench outside, as it was a lovely day today so why not. A shadow loomed over him. He looked up as he saw the school bullies. "Hey everyone look, the nerd is reading Shakespeare." The gang laughed as the leader knocked the book out of his hands. You sighed as you went outside for a smoke only to stop as you saw Jacob and his gang bullying Jason for absolutely no reason. You rolled your eyes as you made your way over to them.

"Well that wasn't very nice." Jacob and his buddies backed away in fear. You stamped your foot out just a little bit in front of you as they all ran away. You chuckled as you lit a cigarette before turning to the younger boy.

Jason blushed as he scrambled to his feet and picked his book up. "You alright?" You asked softly as Jason looked up and into your mesmerising E/C eyes. "Y-yes thank y-you for s-saving m-me." You found yourself smiling as Jason stuttered. Not in the mean way that you would laugh in his face and start bullying him, no, you found it, cute.

"Nah it was no worries. Hey we got precalculus next right?" You asked as he nodded. The bell went as you grinned down at him. "Perfect timing." You said as you both made your way to your third class of the day.

The teacher was very shocked to see you on time. "What's the matter sir? Cat got ya tongue?" You snickered as he shook his head and started the lesson. You began to chat to Jason which made him very happy. You see, Jason has had a crush on your for some time now but he just never had the courage to talk to you. Besides you were straight and he couldn't understand why you saved him from Jacob anyway. And why the hell were you still even talking to him? Not that he minded.

You and Jason spent the rest of the day together and he was very fun to hang around.

You had asked if Jason wanted to come around your place which he gladly excepted. You were waiting by your car as you saw Jason making his way to you. You smiled as you both got in and you drove to your place. Jason gaped at the size of it, it was a fucking mansion. "Your place is huge." He said in amazement as he looked at the high ceiling.

You chuckled as he followed you into the kitchen and watched as you raided your fridge. "Yep my dads loaded." You said as you handed him a beer. He scrunched his nose up as he shook his head. "No thank you, I don't drink." He said politely as you shrugged. "More for me then." You grinned as you led him to your room.

Jason sat on your bed as he watched you put Netflix on. "What do ya want to watch?" You asked as you flicked through the movie selection. "Whatever you want to watch." He said as you just shrugged and put on the random list.

Smiley came on and Jason looked at you as you were concentrating on the TV. "Have you seen this before?" He asked as you hummed. "No but it looks good." You said as you shrugged. "You know this is a gay comedy right?" He asked as you nodded. "Yep. So what?" You said as you finally looked at him. Jason blushed as he shrugged. "Nothing." He said as he found himself laying under the covers because it was very chilly.

(This not a horror movie lol. It is really good)

Halfway through the 4th episode you had fallen asleep. Jason yawned as he rubbed his eyes he leaned over and grabbed the remote before turning the TV off. He looked at you before the time and saw that it was 2 in the morning. He couldn't be bothered to go home as he settled down next to you.

The next day at school you kept on avoiding Jason which made him feel hurt. Was yesterday just some sick prank? You were smoking behind the back of the school as thoughts of Jason filled your mind. He was just so cute and amazing and you had fallen for the nerdy boy.

You groaned as you banged your head on the wall. "Why did I have to invite him over?" You mumbled as you sighed. "I need a party." You huffed.


Loud music could be heard coming from your place as Roy dragged Jason to the party you were throwing. "Come on Jay, you can't avoid him forever ya know." Roy shouted over the loud music as he handed him a beer. "Roy you know I don't drink." He yelled back as Roy rolled his eyes. "only live once. Now shut up and drink it will ya!" Roy said happily as he downed his own drink. Jason sighed but started to drink it anyway.

Jason had only had 3 drinks and he was laughing, dancing and having an amazing time. Someone put their hands on Jason's hips as he began grinding his ass against the other males crotch. You groaned as you felt yourself getting harder and harder by the minute.

Jason turned around as he saw that it was you but he didn't mind. Instead, he wrapped his arms around your neck as you both began to make out. You stumbled up the stairs and past two girls who were making out for the joy of Jacobs gang but you didn't care as you fumbled to unlock your bedroom door. Upstairs was off limits and the music was way too loud so no one would hear the pair of you.

You fumbled with your shirt and pants as Jason hiccuped and rolled over so that you could shimmy his pants off. You both were very drunk as Jason whined against you. "MMmmm daddyy I want you." He slurred as he started sucking on your cock making you groan. The room was spinning but you didn't care nor focus on that. All you could think about was the wonderful mouth that was going down on you.

Jason gagged a bit as he struggled to take your hole length down his throat. "Take your time pretty boy, don't rush yourself." You smiled lazily as you ran your hands through his hair and closed your eyes. Jason rubbed his thighs together and moaned at the nickname.

You pulled him off of your cock as you came all over his face. Drool and some of your cum dribbled down the side of his face. "Fuck that was hot." You said as your chest heaved.

"Your turn pretty boy." You smirked as Jason laid on the bed, his ass in the air. You began to eat his ass before fingering his hole. After about 5 minutes of prepping him, just to be safe, you grabbed a condom before put it on your cock and slowly pushing in.

Jason moaned loudly as he felt you fill him up to the brim. He put a hand on the bulge in his stomach and gently pushed down as you groaned. "Fuck your so tight pretty boy." You grunted as he signalled that you could move. You started moving at a slow pace as you started to speed up. Jason was moaning like a bitch in heat as you fucked him hard.

"Daddy fuck your so big. I fucking love you Y/N." He moaned as he squirted all over the bed sheets. You groaned as he licked and sucked on his neck, marking him as yours. "Shit." You moaned as you came in the condom. Jason's arms felt like jello as you pulled out and put the condom in the trash as you grabbed a towel and stumbled your way back to the bed.

You cleaned the pair of you up before you crashed down next to him. Jason yawned as he rubbed his eyes. He felt exhausted. He laid his head on your chest as you wrapped your arms around him as you kissed his forehead. Before either of you knew it, the pair of you was out like a light bulb.


You both looked at each other as Jason groaned. "Fuck. You probably hate me now huh?" He asked as he looked down, feeling tears sting at his eyes. You rolled your eye before you lifted his chin up so he was looking at you. "I could never hate you pretty boy, I love you." You said as you kissed him softly.

Jason smiled, you both finally got what you wanted.

Each other.

Red Hood/Jason todd x male reader oneshotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant