Chapter 94

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Alana was admitted out of the hospital with strict instructions for maintaining her health. It wasn't long after that Tony had an entire nutritional meal plan ready for her. 

"I'll also have an AI system ready for you too, you know. So they become your manager of sorts, since you fired yours. You can ignore all the agencies approaching you. The AI will take care off everything for you, meetings, appointments, shows, everything. Make your life easier. If you want, I'm just, yeah. Jarvis is helping with making him to your liking." Tony looked nervous. He really hoped she was okay with this even though he didn't ask her before hand if she wanted an AI assistant or not. Maybe she was already on the hunt for a new assistant, maybe she didn't want anything from him.

"Thank you Tony. That's awful thoughtful of you." She placed a kiss on his lips to show him that she was being sincere and then smiled at the dazed look he had on his face. 

"Did you just..." Peter looked shocked.

She smiled and held a finger up in "shh" motion.

"It's a secret Pete. No one knows." She grinned at the happiness in his face as he nodded really fast. "How'd news of a new album being released shortly get perceived?" She asked as she plopped down on the sofa in her hotel room. Tony sat down on the ground between her feet and leaned his face onto her knee as she started to play with his hair.

"Excitement mostly. There were a few people saying that it was fake news and how would I, the account, know."

"Let me see."

Peter sat down beside her and opened up his phone to his fan page on instagram. He handed it to her and laid down on her lap.

She scrolled through the comments of the post he made.

"Ooo, these get me excited and hopeful." 

"Excited?" Tony looked up at her with a sly smirk and Peter gaged. She just slapped his forehead with the phone.

"Shut up Eddie." She continued to read through the comments. It was a very calming atmosphere. It's been a while since just the three of them hung out calmly.

"Pete, hand me that remote." Tony said.

Peter webbed the remote on the table and brought it closer. 

"Here." He handed it to Tony. "Can we watch Animal Planet?"


"You know what, I'll make a post about the new album too." She handed Peter back his phone and pulled her own phone out of her pocket.

"You didn't tell me what the album was called." Peter looked up at her and Tony did too.

"That's because I don't know what to call it."

Peter gasped and sat up.

"Unacceptable! We have to name it immediately! Can I help you name it? Please? Pretty please?"


"Yes! Wait here." He sprang up and ran out of the room.

"This is the one I have to grovel after, right?"  Tony turned his body fully to the side and hugged her leg to him.

"It is." She patted his head and Peter came back in with a notebook and pencil.

"Okay. I'm ready now. First, we're going to listen to the songs, and after each song, tell me what it's about so we can come up with a meaningful name, okay?"

"Sounds good. Here's the first one, it's called - shi," she quickly looked up at Peter and switched what she was saying. "Shiddle sticks. I have to take this call. Sorry guys." 

She held up her phone to show that it was indeed ringing.

"Did you just switch fiddle sticks to shiddle sticks because you were going to say shi-" she slapped Tony on his head lightly so he doesn't say a bad word in front of Peter, quickly got up from the couch and went to the bedroom to answer the call, closing the door after her, much to the boys disappointment.

But, they were able to see what was going on since it was a glass door.

"Who do you think she's talking to?" Tony sat up properly and watched her. Peter focused on his hearing and his eyes brightened.

"She's talking with someone, about a song."

"A collab?"

"No, it seems like a song she wrote and is selling it to them."

"Okay, no more eavesdropping, she wants some privacy." Tony said and Peter nodded at the same time his phone rang.

"It's Ned. Gotta take this, bye!" He got up and dashed out of the room. Tony sighed and looked at Alana, it looked like she was ending the call.

He got up and walked into the room, hugging her from behind.

"All done?"


"Alana? Will you ever forgive me?"

"Forgive, yes. Work on being better and building both our self confidence, yes, but forget, no." She stepped away from him and turned to look into his eyes. "I was really hurt Tony. I really was. And I understand why you did what you did now that we have talked, but never again. Okay? If you ever start feeling like that again then let's just talk it out, because the first time, we weren't even together and it felt like I couldn't live. Imagine how I would feel if we were together and you pull something like that? I won't handle and I won't come back."

"I understand. Thank you for being kind and patient with me." He gave her a tearful smile and she pulled him in a tight hug.


sorry for taking so long to update. Next chapter will be the next albums playlist, I'll need help naming it so please give me ideas when you see it! 

Also, I've just realized how much spelling mistakes there are in each chapter, I apologize, I'm typing this whole thing up on my phone and will be going back after I'm done to edit it all.

thanks for all your patience and continued support my chicken nuggets :)

I Don't Care | Tony Stark ~ wrong numberWhere stories live. Discover now