Chapter 7

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"Hey, I'm heading out. Do you want anything on me way back?" Alana asked Niall who was lounging in the living room.

"No, thanks Love. Just be safe alright?"

"Of course." She warmly smiled at him. "I left you cookies in the kitchen."

He scrambled out of his seat to the kitchen faster then when Zayn left the band.

(A/N don't hate me, I saw the opportunity and took it😂)

"See ya later Ni!" She hollered and headed out.

Upon arriving at the Avengers tower, Alana walked around the lobby and looked at it with admiration.

She quickly sent Sam a dm that she was there and continued gaping at how advanced everything looked.

"Impressive isn't it?"

She turned around and was slightly taken aback by who it was.

Oh my God, look at that face. He looks like, my next mistake.

"Tony Stark." She blinked up at him.

"Alana Evans, nice to finally meet you, and by the way, those cookies are for me right?" Tony set up Jarvis to tell him if anyone new or uninvited walks into the building. It's a security measure. So he got notified when she walked in, and upon seeing that it was Alana Evans, he had to personally come down and greet her and see why everyone obsessed over her. He also wanted to know what brought her to the tower and to possibly get Peter down to meet her. He's her biggest fan.

They kissed each others cheeks in greeting.

"Oh these? These are-"

"Mine. Back off Stark." Sam showed up and glared daggers at him. "She made those for me."

He put an arm around her shoulder and pulled her in.

"Technically I made them for me and you asked me to bring some over." She lightheartedly said.

"Nice to meet you too bestie. You got the other thing?" He told her, not taking his eyes off of Tony and deciding to ignore what she commented.

"And drinks." She said and he grinned.

"This is why I love you. We're leaving. Bye bye Tony." Sam, being the gentleman that he was, grabbed the Krispy Kreme box and cup holder from Alana so she was only carrying her cookie box. "Let's go Alana."

Alana opened the lid and handed Tony two cookies when they passed him with a smile on her face. He grinned at the small victory he just had over Sam and watched them walk away while taking a bite.

"You better visit Peter or I'm taking your suit away Wilson!" He called after them and chuckled at the middle finger thrown his way by the falcon.

Sam scoffed and mumbled something under his breath.

"Who's Peter?" Alana asked when they stepped into the elevator.

"This kid on the intern floor. He's your biggest fan. Won't stop listening to your music. He's also the one that got the rest of the tower and the team to love it."

"Wait, the entire tower?" She asked with amazement and Sam looked at her weirdly.

"Girl, the entire world listens to your music."

"I know, I just keep getting blown away that people do."

"Eh, you write good shit. Anyways, Jarvis, take us to whichever floor Parker is on."

"Who's Jarv-"

"Of course sir."

Sam laughed at Alana's reaction and wide open eyes.

"Someone's in the wall!?" She looked around and then knocked on the elevator wall.

"Hello. I am Jarvis. Mr.Starks personal AI assistant. It's nice to finally meet you Phi Phi."

It felt like her heart stopped beating for a second.

"How do you know that name?"

"I apologize. I assumed you get called that. Would you like me to call you by something else?"

He assumed?

"Just Lana would be fine." She didn't think he just assumed, but she let it slide for now. "So, is your voice coming from built in speakers?" She looked around in wonderment.

"Yes miss."


"He basically runs the entire building." Sam pitched in.

"Do you feel it when I do this?" She knocked on the wall and Sam looked at her with amusement.

"He's AI. He doesn't feel."

"Bird 2.0, I take much offense, but no Lana, I do not."

Alana pouted, but then laughed at the name he gave Sam.

"Can you at least pretend for my sake? Do you feel it now?" She knocked again.

"Miss Evans, I would very much appreciate it if you do not knock on me." Jarvis replied and her grin stretched from ear to ear.

"See Sam, he does feel."

"You two are unreal."

The elevator came to a stop and they walked out onto one of the intern floors.

Rows of lab desks filled up the entire room, with the occasional large empty space for experiments and room to build on, on the floor.

"It's hectic." She commented as they walked through the mess of interns trying to build stuff, lots of objects laying around and being in the way.

"This is a normal Wednesday. There usually isn't space to walk around because of how much stuff they're building or experimenting on." Sam nonchalantly answered having grown used to this floor.

They reached a table where a soft curly brown haired teenager was glued to his work. He was hunched down, trying to connect wires together when something short circuited and the entire thing exploded in his face.

Sam covered Alana's face with his hand to protect it and he just stood grumbling.

"Every damn time Parker. Every time I'm sent here, you blow something up in my face. Do you have something against me? Huh? Because I swear to God you do this on purpose." He glared at the teen that's face was completely covered in black, only the area around his eyes looked clean when he took his protective glasses off and he looked like a reverse panda.

"I am so sorry Mr.Falcon Wilson sir! I promise it was on accident. I didn't mean it. I was just trying to connect these two wires an-where's the other wire?" Peter was trying to show Sam what he was doing, but realised that the other wire must have blown off the table.

Alana, who had crouched down to reach the wire she saw blow away and was initially out of sight from Peter, stood back up and held it out.

"This one?"

The kid immediately fell of his chair, squealing, and then proceeded to faint.

Sam leaned over the table to look at Peter and took a few pictures of him while Alana just stood there, in complete surprise.

"I killed him. Oh god I killed him."

"He's not dead. He just likes being dramatic." Sam scoffed and went to the other side of the table, picking Peter up and throwing him over his shoulder.

"Are you sure he's not dead?" Alana poked the kids cheek but got no response.

"Yup. To the infirmary we go."

I Don't Care | Tony Stark ~ wrong numberDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora