Chapter 64

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The comments were nice and heartfelt, she could tell, but she got slightly sad. When she was with the band, management made sure to tell her everyday how she wasn't actually a part of it, not a permanent member, only there for the looks, only there to satisfy the guys if they ever need it and the fans made sure to tell her otherwise. They told her they loved her, that she was a part of the band, she was one with the boys, but reading those comments she could see their subconscious minds. She wasn't. She always knew that, but seeing it right there in front of her hurt her slightly. The comments were all, 'thank you for bringing the boys together', 'I've been waiting for the boys again', and stuff related. She could tell that they only saw the boys up there on the stage and not her. 

But she's okay with that, she has to be. She understood them. Sure, she hung out with all the boys all the time and the world must have gotten used to that. So they were probably missing seeing the boys alone, without her. The comments really humbled her and made her realize she really wasn't all that. 

And it made her think of all her achievements and if they were really worth it. And it was silly, she knew, she shouldn't let positive comments have her over think and doubt like this, but they are. Did any of it matter? All those years of hard work? Of writing and singing, and going on tour after tour and modeling, and talk shows and interviews and awards and broken records, and celebrity friends...did it all really matter if no one truly, and deeply cared about her? Did she even care about herself? What was the point in doing any of this anyways? Did the boys also subconsciously and deep down didn't see her as one of them? As an outsider? Was she-


Are you awake?

Her phone pinged and she checked the notification. 

It was from Tony.


She replied.

Seconds later, he started calling her. She took a deep breath and answered, putting it on speaker and leaving the phone on the bed.

"Hey Lani."

She really missed him.

"Hi Tony." Her voice was quiet and calm, while his was slightly hesitant. She pulled her knees up, wrapped her arms around her thighs and hugged herself.

"Are you...I was are you doing?"

"I-I'm okay. Why?"

"I saw the comments on your recent post and...and I know you Phi. I know what you're thinking, so don't. Stop it. Give yourself credit and don't let what your old management said a long time ago get to you. The fans love you, it's clear. Or you wouldn't have sold out arenas. You wouldn't have the highest Instagram and twitter following in the world. And you wouldn't be breaking records and winning music awards like you have been doing. The fans came to listen to your music without knowing the boys will be there. They came to you. The boys were an added bonus they weren't expecting. It's all you Phi Phi. I care for you. The boys care for you. The team care for you. Millions of people care for you. So don't put yourself down and let what old management said get to you."

The line went silent and all that could be heard was the sniffling coming from Alana's end of the line. His words healed her heart and sowed it back together. He really cared for her. How was she not supposed to fall in love with him even more after that?


"Thank you Tony." She said before a she hung up the call. She grabbed a pillow, hugging it close to her body as she let it all out. She cried whatever it is she was feeling away and let his words blanket over her and comfort her.

If only he was here right now to hold her tightly.

I Don't Care | Tony Stark ~ wrong numberWhere stories live. Discover now