Chapter 17

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"I fucking caught you!" Liam slammed his hands on the marble counter and Alana jumped six feet in the air.

"You want to give me a fucking heart attack mate!?"

"You're the one sneaking around when you're supposed to be resting!"

"I shouldn't even have to be sneaking around in my own house!"

"Exactly! You're supposed be on that couch!over there! resting while I finish vacuuming!"

"Why are you even vacuuming!?"

"Because I felt like it!"

"I am not going to sit on that damn couch for another hour!"

"I will make you."

"You will do no such thing!"

"Yes I will!"

"No you won't! NO! LIAM STAY THE FUCK BACK! Stay back you wild animal or I will call your mother! You don't belie-I will do it! I swear to you-ahhhhhh!" She began running away when Liam lunged at her.

She frantically pulled out her phone and FaceTimed Liam's mom.

"Hang up this instant Alana Ophelia Evans!" Liam screamed from behind her  and they continued running around the place.

"Hey sweetheart." His mom picked up, both her and his fathers faces were squished into the screen.

"Karen! Geoff! Tell your wild animal to stop cha-aaaaaahh!" She hit her hip bone in the side of a counter and tumbled to the ground.

"THAT IS WHY YOU WILL STAY ON THE COUCH UNTIL I SAY SO!" Liam picked her up and threw her over his shoulder while she batted on his back with her good hand and began kicking.

"I don't want to sit on that bloody couch any more! My legs were cramping!" 

"I don't cArE!" 

"KAREEEN! GEOOFFF!" Alana screened and the couple laughed at the chaos.

"He's doing it for your own good, love."

"Are you seriously siding with your son right now? You two are awful." She pouted but they only laughed harder.

"See, even my parents think so." Liam put her on the couch and pulled her pant string slightly down. "You're a mess Lana. Wait here, I'll be back." He sighed at the big bruise already forming on her hip bone.

"How have you been?" Geoff asked.

"Oh just peachy."

"I'll tell Liam to knock it down a bit. Did he bring Bear with him?" Karen asked.

"No, but he's going to go visit him soon. I'll talk to you guys later yeah? Love you, take care."

They blew her fly kisses and then hung up.

"How are my parents doing?" Liam asked once he came back. He told Alana to lay down on her back.

"They're  doing fine, but you might hear from them later." She pulled the side of her pants down even more and laid down. "Better?"

"Yes." He opened the ointment and helped spread it. "Don't pull your pants up yet, let it dry first."

"Sure mama hen, but can you at least get me food?"

"Of course darling."

He left and then she opened up Eddie's messages when he sent her something.


Hey Phi, did I do something wrong?


Alana scrunched her eyebrows at the slightly concerning message. Had he done something wrong to her or in general?



Not that I'm aware of. Why?


You haven't been talking to me for nearly a week now. I thought I might have upset you or something.


Awww, you missed me


I didn't 


You totally did love. Just admit it.


I'm not


That basically means that you did, but anyways. I've had my phone confiscated for a while by my friends.


How come?


I'm on bed rest. Injured me hand and they're over protective 


Glad there are people looking after you. You don't need me to get you anything darling?


Alana slightly squealed, her cheeks burned and she turned into a ball on the couch.



I'm alright, thank you


Umm, a toaster just exploded. I'll get back to you



be careful ig



Tony's toaster hadn't actually exploded, not to say that it hadn't before, but not this time. It just took a lot out of his ego and pride to ask if he did something wrong, although he was glad he got things cleared up.

He just needed a moment to sit back and try to digest the idea of it being not so bad a thing to be the first one to reach out and ask if something is wrong. It was an exhausting idea, but one he was slowly mulling over in his head.

What shocked him the most was the fact that he was actually entertaining this idea, because he's never done so before.

Phi Phi made him want to make sure he hadn't upset her and he was ready to even apologize if he had. 

How fast the night changes.

I Don't Care | Tony Stark ~ wrong numberWhere stories live. Discover now