Chapter 8

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At the infirmary, Dr.Banner was called to help wake Peter up.

"Oh, you're Alana Evans." He said when he noticed the girl in the room.

She beamed at him and hopped off the bed table they had in every hospital room that was also in this room, there was over 15, but unlike hospital ones, some of them were propped up in a sitting position. They had Peter on one of those.

"Hi, and you must be-"

"Hulk, yeah I know." He said, feeling dejected. This was all he was ever known for these days.

"Dr. Banner. It's nice to finally meet the man I learned about in school."

His head snapped up at her smiling, kind face and he started to get emotional.

"You learned about me in school?" His cheeks turned pink and she pulled him in a hug that he immediately returned.

"Yeah. I'm really happy to meet someone I've learned about. Most of everyone else has died ages ago."  She lightened the mood and he and Sam chuckled.

"Umm, wow, thank you. It's nice to meet you too. I really like your music." He fiddled with his fingers shyly, but she only smiled wider.

"Really!? Aww I love it when people like my music."

He smiled at her and then got to waking Peter up.

"So what's the deal with Bird the first?" Alana asked, motioning to Clint.

He was also knocked out on one of the beds, covered from head to toe with pink glitter.

The two men didn't even react to Clint's new nickname, they just accepted it.

"Oh him?" Bruce pushed his glasses up his nose and smiled at the memory of first seeing Clint in that state. "He was going to prank Nat with pink glitter. She caught him red handed in the act, got him covered in it and knocked him out."

She quickly took a picture of him and made it one of her favorites.

"He should be waking up soon." Then he continued waving whatever it was he was waving under Peters nose until he jolted awake.

"Oh my god! That stings my brain!" Peter shot up.

"Sorry Pete. Had to wake you up somehow." Bruce put his things away and then turned to Alana with a warm smile. "It was really nice meeting you. I hope I see you around more often."

"Thank you Dr.Banner. Wanna grab coffee sometime? Maybe head to the studio and just hang out?" She already loved him and how much of a teddy bear he was.

"I'd love to. I'll see you around." He gave her a little wave before heading out to do whatever it is he was originally going to do before they interrupted him.

"I see you're already ditching me." Sam drew his brows together and crossed his arms.

"Cheer up bird the second. We're still hanging out."

They then turned to look at Peter who had a star struck look on his face. He was trying his hardest not to freak out and faint again.

"Would you like a cookie or a donut?" She offered.

Peter immediately turned around and buried his face in a pillow.

"This is so embarrassing." He mumbled into the pillow and Sam couldn't hold back his laughter.

"Hey, it's okay. I get how you feel." She sympathized for him and placed hand on his back.

"No you don't get. I've imagined meeting you my entire life and then I screw it up and faint. That's so lame. You probably think I'm a weirdo right? I'm a weirdo I knew it."

"Peter. Hey, Peter." She rubbed his back and he pulled away from the pillow and looked at her with puppy eyes and pouty lips. "It's my fault really. I just popped out of nowhere and gave you a surprise."

"You don't mind?"




"So can we start over before I freak out again that I'm actually talking with you?"

She laughed and nodded.

"Of course."

"Okay,okay. We're staring over. Anything you saw earlier was fake and a part of your imagination, okay? Okay. Here we go. Oh, hi. I-I'm Peter. Peter Parker. I um, live with my aunt and have been a fan of yours for as long as I've been alive. I miss you and the boys on stage together, but yeah. H-how are you?"

"Oh, you're the same Peter Parker I replied to earlier, right?"

Peter squealed and nearly feel off the bed if it wasn't for Sam, who's been laughing the entire time, catching him and putting him back up.

"YOU REMEMBER!?" His voice went a few octaves too high.

"Of course." She smiled and he began to freak out again.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. You know who I am!? You replied to my comment and actually remembered!? I have to tell Ned." He immediately pulled out his phone and FaceTimed someone who picked up right away.

"Dude! Dude,dude,dude." Peter jumped off of the bed, holding the phone in one hand as his other hand did but hand movement. "You wouldn't guess what!"

"Mr.Stark help you build new we-OH MY GOD!" Ned screamed out loud when he caught sight of Alana in the back ground. She waved at him and he began to freak out. "DUDE! ALANA EVANS!"







They just went back forth.

"That's why I called! She replied to my comment right? And SHE REMEMBERS!"

"Duuuude! But Peter seriously." Ned came closer to the camera. "Bro don't act too weird okay? Don't freak her out."

"Right right, you're right. I have to calm down right? Okay, look. I'll call you later, okay? Bye!" He hung up and turned around to face Alana with a wild look in his eyes. "Just to make sure, you're real right?"

"As real as I can get Pete. I can call you that, right? Because if it's not then I'll stick with Peter."

"Nono, it's fine, it's fine. Yeah..." he wiped his hands on his jeans and then just remembered that he was covered in black smoke. "I look...I'm pretty black right now, aren't I?"

Alana did her best to hold in her laughter as Sam exaggerated looking offended.

"You're racist you know that?" Sam said.

Peters eyes opened wide in realization and if there was no black covering his cheeks, they would be able to see how pink they were.

"I am so sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I'll wash it off immediately." Peter ran to the sink and scrubbed his face using the bar soap. While he was doing that, a certain bird was waking up.

"Is Alana Evans eating a Krispy Kreme in the infirmary or did Nat hit my head too hard?"

"Nat hit your head to hard." Sam said, not missing a beat.

Clint nodded, believing him.

"That makes sense. Why would she be here right?" He rubbed his head as he slowly placed his feet on the ground and tested if they could carry his weight. Once he knew he wouldn't fall over, he started making his way to Sam to grab a cookie.

"Donut?" Alana offered, holding the box of donuts out.

"Yeah thanks." Clint absentmindedly took one and placed it in his mouth as he also reached for cookies.

He thoughtfully chewed his donut bite and when he swallowed it, he blinked in realization.


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